
System was built over two years, slowly, "bargainfully", and with lots of trial and error to make sure it blended in the overall acoustic signature of the entire system.

The room is a family room, so it is not only very challenging acoustically, but with the kids running around, cannot get it as a dedicated theater.

However, it serves as a very good HT setup, as well as a decent two channel and multi-channel rig. I kept the Proceed AVP2 because quite frankly it is hard to find a better processor for music nowdays. Thus, I use external switching and decoding for all the new formats, and feed it to the Proceed.

The Subs are the kings of this setup. Flat to single digits, tuned to 12hz, they are huge and an eye sore, but they sound exquisite.

I will upgrade the Bluray player to the denon 3800 or similar for internal DTS-MA decoding, but other than that, I'm set for now.

Components Toggle details

    • B&W Nautilus 802
    Main Speakers. Will be replaced with DIY arvo's soon.
    • Proceed AVP2 +6
    Incredible Sound. Mark Levinson no.40 internals. Has the Added +6 board for multi-channel analog inputs.
    • Earthquake Cinenova Grande 5
    5 channel x 600W. Behemoth. Incredible sound. Replaced my Anthem P5 and Krell amps.
    • Swan Diva 6.1
    rear duties.
    • Crown International K-2
    pair of K2's powering the Subs.
    • Behringer DEQ2496
    Used for EQing the subs.
    • DIY avalanche18 Large Low tuned EBS.
    Tuned to 12.4hz, flat to single digits. Clean, accurate, very musical.
    • DIY Belden 89259 + canare
    click here for more info:
    • DIY Cat5 based Speaker wire
    more info here:
    • Denon DVD-3910
    used for SD DVD, DVDA, and SACD. Modded for better output line.
    • Panasonic DMP-BD10A Bluray player
    got this because one of few with Analog outputs. Will replace with Denon 3800 or Panny BD50.
    • Toshiba HD-XA2 player
    HD-DVD player. Again, bought this due to analog outputs.
    • Zektor MAS7.1
    used for HDMI, multichannel analog, and SPDIF complement the Proceed AVP2+6
    • DIY Dayton RS WMTW Center channel
    very good soundstaging, and works well with the Nautilus 802s.

Comments 8

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I guess your don't need one of those special home theater chairs with the built in woofers. That's some serious woofing you've got there. Nice looking system!
