
A few updated pictures of the new system, its night and I couldn't get good lighting to get a whole system shot, but its around the corner. Overall I am very pleased with this system its a huge downgrade from where I've been and its lower resolution allows me to forget about being an audiophile and enjoy music. While I have no complaints I have little doubt I will be playing with the big boys again in the not so distant future. I am planning on moving with in 2 years and at that time I will search for a better listening environment in my home and build a more SOTA system. At this time I just like the flexibility this system offers, it does everything good and has no real weakness, I feel all the components represent tremendous value, which is why they were chosen.

Components Toggle details

    • Exemplar Denon 3910
    Service pack mod, siltech upgrade, tube output, upgraded power supply and a whole bunch of upgraded caps
    • Anti Cables 3m interconnect RCA
    Interconnect between Exemplar and DK
    • DK Design Group VS.1 Reference Mk.II
    Int Amp
    • xindak FS-1
    3m pair, spades on each end
    • Von Schweikert Audio VR 4jr mkII
    3 way speaker system in blonde maple
    • Jena Tek 716-15
    I have two of these, one used on the Exemplar and the other on the DK
    • Machina Dynamica Nimbus
    Sub-hertz platform for transport. This device really is amazing functionally and quite interesting looking!
    • Machina Dynamica Promethean
    I am using 1 promethean under the DK amp
    • Sony VPL-H51a
    LCD 1080P front projector

Comments 110

Ken, I am still using the stock Ei tubes, I just keep forgetting to order new ones! Honestly I think the stingray in triode is overkill with the 99's the volume knob is like an on/off switch, there is really very little control! I am thinking of going with a lower power amp. If I don't do that I have spoke with the service guy at Manley and he told me how to remove the detents from the volume to gain better control, but it will take several hours and I'd rather be listening then working on my amp :) I've said it before and I'll say it again, this amp in triode has NO right sounding as good as it does, I am amazed how good it is for how little it costs - I am not complaining.

What are your thoughts between UL and triode now that you've tried both?


Hey Tim,

Ive rejoined the Stingray crowd again! An audio buddy locally sold me his 4 month old unit with triode switch and sub out. He recommended JJ El84's and they sound superb. Also put some RCA 60's 12AT7 from Andy @ Vintagetube. Very solid sounding on my 91db Ushers

How's the sound up your way with the Db99 MkII's?


Tim, sorry thats

If you go to the stock list, you'll see whats offered and the prices.

Coincidently, I have decided to look into getting another Stingray into my system as well! ;-)



Ken I tried the website and it doesn't exist, are you sure that address is right? Thanks!



I checked to see if I saved it in my sent mail...and did delete it unfortunately, so Ill basically say a few words via this thread.

You have some excellent PC's in the Jena Tek..and that's a safe recommendation. As far as tube rolling the SR..I found that the supplied by Manley Ei EL-84's were very good in themselves. You could change out to the more lush sounding Mullards from the 50's. Another nice tube is the Tungsram (yellow print) ..that is more transparent and linear sounding overall, but not as warm in the mids. I have not heard the GE tubes here.

For the 6414 driver to leave them as theres very little to be gain there sonically.

As for the 12AT7 is where a few bucks spent can make this a great amp.I used some earlier production GE 6201 tubes rather than the newer JAN 12AT7W's that are supplied. In this amp..the highs smoothed out and focus increased. The mids became more textured and weighty..all with a simple input tube change!

I suggest you contact Andy at for his recommendation on the inputs (and power tubes while your at it) he knows from experience the best application of tubes for many different amps. I spoke with another Audiogon member during my time with the SR..and he mentioned that he was using Telefunken Superline and it was wonderful sounding tube. RCA superline 50's are nice also. Go with the 50's dated input tubes as they will sound the best IMO.//Ken


Hey Ken, I never got your reply! I was really looking forward to hearing your reply since you seem to be one of the few who have experience with tube rolling on the stingray. If by any chance you still have it, please forward it to me again. I rid myself of virus that made my email life hell for a few months. I never realized I had it, I just wouldn't get some emails and some people wouldn't get what I sent, I have no clue how long it was like that, but its working now.

I was initially unimpressed with the stingray, but I was listening in the UL mode, as soon as I switched to triode it was amazing. Its a great combonation on these speakers, it has NO right sounding as good as it does for how little it costs.


Hi Tim,

I see you went with the Manley Stingray afterall...I wasn't sure since our email exchange regarding the Manley.( I hope you got it??) Anyway..very nice! A good friend is using the Manley on a pair of Zu Druids and loves the sound..Im anxious to hear it.

I miss mine at times. I bet it is a very good match with the DB99 MkII's.

Congrats again, and enjoy..looking forward to the new pics!



Good to see you're back, Tim. I'm anxious to see your updated system, so I will check back again soon.

Something tells me you sold the Audio Aero amp and you're trying something new. Looking forward to seeing the updated system/rig. Glad to see you're back!


Hey Gerry, I am back and I updated my system, I just haven't added new pictures or my experiences... this weekend, I promise!

So how have you been?


I'm anxiously awaiting the return of Tim on Audiogon too.
He's a great guy and I am waiting with baited breath.


Tomorrow was two days ago. Tim, we are in suspense.


It's tomorrow. :)


If I keep saying tomorrow, is anyone going to complain? :o)


BTW Tim, when you going to update this page?


Tireguy - nice to see you back on Agon. Looking forward to seeing your new rig.


Still glad to see you back.


Well some interesting things have happened... I have to update the equipment because most of the things listed I am no longer using. The only things that have remained are the DB99's which I still LOVE, the machina dynamica platforms and the jena powercords.

Bad luck or perhaps greed prevented me from getting a new car, someone gave me a killer stock type and that cost me more then the S2000... As much as it was an expensive lesson it was a lesson worth learning. I pulled my head out of my ass and realized I need to grow up and am now shopping for a new house.

I will update the system either today or tomorrow.


Hey Tim, talk about serious changes! How are you liking the AA? Good to see you back on Agon. BTW, what four-wheeler did you ultimately pick up?


Tireguy, I also love cars...but what kind of sled is tempting you so much that you'd be willing to part with the Meitner gear?


Interesting to see you're selling the emmlabs stuff. Any ideas for a replacement ?


Tim: I was interested in knowing if your dB99's either had the super tweeter upgrade or if you were considering this. I read in Stereo Times that this brings this speaker to a sibling relationship with the magnificent (and economically unobtainable for me) VR-11.

The more I read about the design of the dB99, the more intriqued I am. Built-in amplification, ability to run with lower powered SET tube amps, all while having great musicality AND bass response. Would love to hear more of your impressions on this and if you're satisfied (for the time-being at least ;)especially since you are using the Capitole amp which I've never had the chance to hear, but know it has to be a great combination.

Thanks. Gerry


Tim -- I am so glad you upgraded your speakers!

I am enjoying your old Maggies beyond my wildest dreams. Thanks for putting so much work and TLC into the crossovers. I am a lucky guy being at the right place at the right time to get these gems.

Thanks also for all your help and guidance. You have fueled my love for this hobby with your endless advice and answers to some pretty stupid questions.

You are a real asset to 'Gon. And a good friend.


HiTim. My system is status quo for now until I get into some more money. I will be changing my speakers. I'm looking at Totems. Will audition at home to figure out what I will get. My listening space is pretty small, I am leaning toward monitors such as the Model 1 sigs or the Rainmaker. I have had towers for so long it may be hard to accept.

Nice photos. We will have to get together and listen sometime.


Tim: Thanks for posting the pictures. The new Von's look terrific. I didn't realize they were powered until you mentioned this in your post. (I've gone a similar route with the Genesis 501's, but they are no where nearly as efficient so I'm driving them with a pair of VAC 220 monos with KT88's).

The Audio Aero amp is a beautiful piece. I've never had the oppty. to hear it, but I would bet that it has some terrific sonic abilities and is very musical. And, with your digital front end, you have to be hearing some magic these days.

I admire you for your dedication and interest in the hobby and your willingness to try different pieces of equipment. It's got to be a interesting and enjoyable, as well.
Thanks again for your offer too. I may take you up on it if I make some changes (and I'm always interested in trying something new. Keep me (us) posted and congrats.

How does Roxy Music's Avalon sound now?


Gerry- I finally got off my lazy ass and got pictures up, it is quite different to say the least. I really enjoyed the JC1's they are great amps and are a real bargain in hifi, I have no regrets about owning them. It just seemed foolish to keep a huge power-house SS amp to drive a pair of 99db efficient speaker- I tried. It sounded good but was HUGE overkill- sort of like hunting ants with a tank. The Audio Aero is surprising me, its really good, it mates with these speakers very well. I had reservations at first but now I enjoy it, and even at 50 watts its overkill for these speakers! There seems to be a harmonic bloom that tubes have that I have yet to hear a SS amp recreate. I can, and have enjoy SS amps, however, tubes can be very enjoying in different ways. Seeing as the DB99's have a built in class AB SS amp powering the bass driver its sort the best of both worlds. Out of all the changes I really like the speakers the most, they are so flexible(to power) and do all genre's of music well. If your interested I can send you my latest find in isolation/absorbtion, the Machina Dynamica components are great, I have some extra promethean/nirvana base springs- there easy to use and the improvements are worth it.

Dennis- I may have something in the works for a slight change to the front end, but I won't know for sure for a few weeks. But rest assured the Emm labs gear isn't going anywhere soon.

Rudy- A little encouragment goes a long way with me :) How's your system doing these days???


Showing 26 - 50 of 110 posts