
Mostly Krell electronic, with Oracle/Graham/Benz and Apogee planars. I have liked the Krell sound from an early stage, and because I live in the audio dessert, and buy mostly used, I have stayed with Krell. I do think that they are better together than mixed and matched with other brands.

It has taken 45 years to get to this point and this is probably about it for me. Not sure I can afford or want to go to the next level, so spending more on tweaks like power cords and isolation devices now. Have upgraded my speaker cables, and put CAST cables between the pre and amps, but for major equipment I'm done. At least until I decide to jump into computer audio. Not sure if that will happen anytime soon. It needs to be at least competitive with LP's for me to be interested, and I'm not sure it's quite there yet.

The front end is located in the closet in the picture to try to help reduce vibration.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Krell Evo 202
    I replaced my Krell Phantom III, which was a killer pre, with an Evo 202 that I found at a great price. HUGH, HUGH, improvement. Sound stage is wider and deeper and more holographic with an almost you are there sound stage.
    • Oracle Audio Technologies Delphi mk VI Gen II
    My first (what I thought at the time) really good turntable was a Denon Direct Drive, although I did have an AR for a while in the Seventy's, then I moved on to a Rega III. Now that was a great table. From there, an Oracle mk II, which was later upgraded to a mk IV. When I downsized, I had a Roxsan for a little while. Then finally realized downsizing doesn't work and got the mk V. I have just gotten it back from being upgraded to a mkVI. New bearing, Power Supply, and MVSS, which makes an astonishing difference.
    Just upgraded the base to make it a complete Delphi mkVI Gen II. Even more improvements across the board. It's much quieter and speed stability, that was already good, is even better.
    • Graham Engineering Phantom III Supreme
    Had a RB300 with my Rega III, then a Sumiko S arm with my first Oracle, later up graded to an FT4 straight arm. After upgrading the Delphi to mk IV, I added the Graham 1.0. When I got the Delphi mk V, I got a Graham 2.0 and later added the upgraded bearing. Now I have moved up to an Original Phantom, which I will eventually have up graded to a Supreme. September '17, I finally upgraded it to a Supreme III. Still getting it completely dialed in, but great improvement over the Original Phantom.
    • Benz Micro LP S
    Update: Got a new LP S in May 2019. Another big improvement. I couldn't believe how worn out my old LP S was.

    I got a Ruby Z after having an original Ruby (and then a Ruby 2) and before that a Carnegie. I think my first MC was a Denon, but not the 103, something a bit less costly. An LP S has replaced the Ruby Z now and what a nice improvement! More everything and clearer, without getting hyper detailed or tizzy. Highs are silky smooth and bass is even more textured than the Ruby.
    • Krell Reference KPE phono
    I had the KPE Standard and this is a big step up. Before that I always used the in-board phono card of whatever pre I was currently using. I recently replaced all the caps in the KPE REF power supply and phono board with Rubycon and Vishay caps. Huge improvement over the almost 20 year old caps.
    • Transparent Audio Phono cable
    Upgraded the GEN 5 Ultra phono cable to a Transparent MM2 Reference XL. This is only one step below their top of the line Opus. So even though it is the older MM2, it is still a huge step up from the GEN 5 Ultra that I had. At basically the same time I had my MM2 Ultra RCA cables, that I use between the KPE and the 202 Pre, upgraded to the GEN 5 Reference cable.
    One of my amps was back at Krell being fixed when these swaps were made, so it was not the way I tend to like to do things. I usually only swap one component at a time. That way I can get a good idea of which component did what to the over all sound. But the used phono cable was available and it seemed like a good time to have the other cable upgraded since I couldn't really listen to the system in anything other than mono.
    Overall EVERYTHING was improved. LP's sound more like being there than ever before. You really get the impression on a well recorded LP that you are listening to the musicians playing their instruments, rather than that you are listening to a system reproduce a recording. If that makes sense.
    • Transparent Gen 5 Ultra Phono cable
    Replaced by Ref XL phono Nov 2019. See new component for comments.

    DIN to RCA Phono cable replaced my Ultra MM1 cable. Another great improvement. Better dynamics, more separation and texture. A great phono cable.
    • Transparent Audio Gen 5 Ultra RCA>RCA
    Replaced Nov 2019 with GEN 5 Ref. See other component for remarks.

    Upgraded the Ultra MM2 between my pre and phono with the Gen 5 Ultra's. Nice improvement. I can hear deeper into the music and there is more sense of space, with more extension of both lows and highs. Highs are silky smooth with a very realistic bite as they should have. The Gen 5 cables are a big improvement over the MM2's.
    • Krell FPB-750Mcx mono's
    I originally had a Lafayette integrated (anyone remember those?), then a Sansui integrated, with more buttons and knobs than you could imagine, and then my first seperates (db pre and Quantro amp). Quatro went under and was absorbed by Infinity I think, while my amp was at the factory being serviced. Luckily UPS covered it as lost since the company literally vanished overnight. I then replaced that with a Hafler 200 kit amp.
    My first Krell amp was a KSA-50 mkII, then a pair of KMA-100's (way too much heat), to a KSA-250, to a FPB-300 (with the intention of eventually getting the 600, which I did). After the FPB600C which I got so that I can run CAST interconnects, I finally found a pair of 750's that I had been wanting for several years, and this should finish my amp upgrades. I've posted new pictures with the 750's.
    Earlier this year one of the amps started over heating, so I had both of them recapped. Hopefully, they will last me the rest of my life.
    • Krell CAST cables
    Other than generics, I had some Audioquest stuff before finding the Cogelco. I liked the transparency of the silver cables and never went back. But now I have replaced my Krell Cogelco Black XLR's between my 202 pre and my "new" Krell 600C amp with Krell CASt cables. This produced an across the board improvement.
    Recently tried some Transparent MM2 Ultra XLR cables between pre and amps, but they did not improve the overall. Perhaps a higher level of XLR's would, but the CAST cables won this round.
    • Apogee Acoustics Diva's w/ Custom Xovers & Stands
    My first set of audiophile speakers were a pair of Bose 501's. Yeah, I know, but I was young and unknowing. After that I had some very nice Allison's and then some big Infinity's. From there I got my first planar, Apogee Caliper Signature's. I really fell in love with what they could do. When Apogee folded I sort of panicked and in a foolish attempt at down sizing, sold my Caliper's and got a pair of Genisis 400's. They sounded really good, but only at one specific volume, and that was higher than I wanted all the time. After that I also decided downsizing was unsatisfying, and started rebuilding my system. I purchased a pair of JM Labs 920's (now Focal) and was happy with them for a few years, but really missed the sound of my Apogee's. I then found a pair of Duetta Signatures, and eventually got my Diva's. With the reribboning of the speakers, and the custom crossover's, I think I'm done for speakers.
    Just added custom stands made from 1"x2" Aluminum. Makes speaker more rigid and a big improvement in clarity.
    • Transparent Audio MM2 Reference Bicable spade to spade
    Somehow I left speaker cables off of the system. In May '15 I replaced my old Ultra cables with MM2 Reference cables, spade to spade. Huge and nice improvement in just about every aspect. Had to borrow money to get them, something I seldom do, but they were worth it.
    • Transparent PLUMM2 RCA>RCA
    Now using thess between the pre and the SACD. Nice improvement in all aspects over my trusty Krell Cogelco Black cables.
    • Denon DVD-2910
    DVD, CD, SACD. Since I mainly listen to LP, this is ok for the time being. I sold my Krell 28c in order to get the new Krell Phantom pre.
    • Quad U S A FM-4
    Got this as a great deal (dealer demo), or I probably wouldn't even have a tuner. I am amazed at how well it pulls in distant stations.
    • Transparent Power Isolator 4
    I do have two dedicated lines to my equipment. Started with a Transparent (750?) line conditioner, changed to a PS P300, and then replaced it with a PS Power Plant Premier. Now I have a Transparent Power Isolator 4, which improved things again. Most recently, I added Wattgate 381 outlets. All have added some improvement to lowering the noise floor and bettering the soundstage. I just added two more dedicated lines so that my mono amps are on separate lines, and the Pre and Phono on their own, and the TT and SACD on their own line now. I also added another PI4. The Pre and Phono on one, and the TT and SACD on the other. Since the dedicated lines were basically added at the same time as the second PI4, I'm not sure how much added to the improvement on their own, but both did make a difference. There is now more fine detail. Instruments and voices that were once buried are now heard like they should have been. Instruments and voices are more nuanced and real.
    • Transparent PLMM2 20/15A Power Cord
    This originally was a 20 Amp power cord for my amp's dedicated line. Didn't think PC's could make much of a difference, but that turned out to be totally wrong. Since my 600C amp had a captured cord, I replaced the 20A plug with a Wattgate 351 AG 15A plug and am now using it on my pre with great effect.
    • Transparent PLMM2 15A Power Cord
    Power Cord
    • Transparent PLSMM 15A Power Cord
    This Power Cord was my first experiment with power cords, after finding out how much difference the outlet could make, and made me decide to upgrade all of my power cords. Currently it is being used on my SACD player, but will eventually get upgraded.
    • Transparent PLMM2x 20A Power Cords
    Except for my Krell CAST cables between the 202 and the 750's,(will eventually replace them with Transparent CAST) I now have an all Transparent cabled system. I'm sold on their cables and the concept of having a system with all one brand of cable. The PLMM2x cords give the music more coherence, and a more 3D soundstage than the stock cables.
    • Wattgate 381 AG Source Outlets
    15 and 20 amp power outlets for dedicated lines. Unfortunately, they do make a difference.
    • Wattgate 381 Gold Amp Outlets
    On both amp AC outlets, and now each amp has it's own 30A line too.
    • Tube traps 20 inch
    Added about $2000 worth of used tube traps, and then added the half rounds, and was amazed at how big a difference they made. Now I don't understand how I ever considered the sound in a "naked" room as being good.
    • Solid Steel 5.5 equipment stand
    5 shelf rack with each shelf supported by cones. This replaced an old Target rack, but it made an immediately noticeable difference. So now I'm wondering how much you should spend on a rack, but this one will do for a long time as a rack is about last on my list of tweaks.
    • BDR mk3 & mk4 Cones & Pucks
    A mixture of mk3 and mk4 Cones, with a few mk4 Pucks, under all components except speakers. I find that a combination of two mk 3 cones and a single mk 4 cone works best with my system.
    • GIK Acoustics Sound panels
    Removed a lot of foam panels I had been using and replaced them with the GIK panels last year. Huge improvement in the sound. Better soundstage, clarity, and more dynamics. This is absolutely the last item for my system as I am truly done, and it sounds awesome.

Comments 81

System edited: New pre-amp gives me a much more holographic sounding system, and some slight tweeling with some BDR Cones and Pucks, have moved my system up a level.


System edited: Recently I've been investigating power cords and outlets. I've replaced my PS Audio outlets with Wattgate 381 Gold (amp) and Silver (sources) outlets. This was for me a surprisingly huge difference on my amp, but not as much on the source outlet. The source units do connect to a Transparent Power Isolator which is plugged into the Silver outlet, so maybe that is why there wasn't as big of an improvement with the Wattgate added to the dedicated source line. I've also relaced a couple of power cords with Transparent cords, which made a significant improvement with each of those. I've also updated my rack from an old Target rack to a new Solid Steel 5.5 rack. This did actually make a small but easily noticeable improvement in soundstage width and depth, and created a blacker background. The small changes that I have made in the past year or so have really improved my system across the board. I used to be a nonbeliever when it cam to power cords and outlets, but not any more. And that the rack made a noticeable improvement really surprised me.


Yes, good power is always necessary. Even before I had the Premier I had a P300, and always a dedicated line for the amp and another dedicated line for the power conditioner with the front end components.
Diva is a great album, and I wish it hadn't taken so long for me to realize that. Right now I feel like I have a completely new record collection. Every album I put on is a great new discovery. Your system must be doing something right if even genres of music you don't care for keep you entertained.


Mrvordo, I recently learned how much having clean power can dramatically improve the sound. Since adding the PS Audio Powerplant P3 my system has never sounded better. I am now experimenting with power cords and while I agree a good one can further improve things to me they dont nearly have the same impact as good, clean, consistent power.

Btw, Diva is a good album. Because of you I am listening to it right now. It's been a few years since I last played it. It's always good to rediscover hidden treasures in the music collection.


System edited: I'm sitting and listening to Annie Lennox's "Diva" lp by Simply Vinyl and smiling. This is an album that I have always wanted to really like, but never have. Annie Lennox has always impressed me, but for some reason this album had always left me feeling that something was missing and that it was boring. Boring is not something I usually associate with Annie, but this one has always disappointed until now. The difference? The Watt Gate gold outlet and the Transparent PC's. While I've had a system for over 40 years, I couldn't believe that power cords could possibly make much if any difference. Last fall I finally broke down and installed a PS Audio Power Port. Bad move. It did make my amp sound better. So since that made a difference, I decided to try a power cord. I found a great deal on a Transparent PLMM2 and hooked it up to my amp. More improvement. The PC was shorter than my old original cord, so I had to start using a different outlet on my dedicated amp line, so I found the Watt Gate outlet, and on the dealer's recommendation got the gold rather than the rhodium. MORE improvement, maybe as much as the PC. Then I added a lesser Transparent PC to my Premier Power conditioner. While not as much, still more improvement. So I've been enjoying the heck out of my system lately and tonight just happen to think about the "Diva" lp and put it on. Yeah, I'm happy now. This IS a great album. I just never could hear it properly before. If you think power cords can't make a difference, you are really missing out on a lot of great music. Don't be as pigheaded as I was, try one with a good outlet too, and quit missing out.


@ Mrvordo, very awsome set-up, room, system, I love Krell myself, the krell 700cx I have is my second one since 1997, my first Krell was a fpb 200, I love and miss the character that amp had, congrats on a spectacular total audio nirvana you have!, Happy Listening!


Great PC upgrades.

Thought that was the plan all along after purchasing the Power Plant.

But of course it never ends.


System edited: I didn't think power cords and outlets could make a difference until I finally tried a PS Audio Power Port for my amp. It did improve things so that made me figure that power cords would have an effect as well. I next tried a Transparent PLMM2 for my amp and was amazed at the difference. Because the used cord I got was slightly shorter than the original one, it was better to plug it into the second outlet on my dedicated line. This outlet didn't have a Power Port, but did have a Hubble hospital grade outlet. The Hubble did not sound as good as the Power Port, so I decided to try the Wattgate 381 in place of the Hubble. It's amazingly better that the Power Port. I then replaced the PS Statement PC between the wall and my PPP with a Transparent PLS1, for even better sound. Now I want to install Transparent PC's on everything in my system. It never ends, does it?


System edited: I guess I might need to move this to another category, since it doesn't really look like I'm done. I replaced a Hubble Hospital grade outlet with a PS Audio Power Port for my amp, and unfortunately heard a significant, especially for the money, difference. I was actually disappointed because that meant to me that if the outlet could make an improvement, then power cords could. Something I didn't really think could make much of a difference until now. I then ran across a great price on a used Transparent PC and hooked it up. The very first couple of notes bowled me over. I just wasn't ready for the difference. I'm now looking into getting a PC for my pre. I'll let you know what happens. Oh, and I did upgrade the bearing in my TT with Oracle's new mkVI bearing. That's quite an improvement as well.


Hey Glen,

You are right that I have the best seat in the house, and I really enjoy it. The closet was just an opening into the attic (it's a Cape Cod) but since I had access from another room, I thought I could wall it in and put the equipment in there to help reduce vibrations and such. Never really A-B'ed it, so not sure if I really accomplished anything, but it does leave the room "open". I use RF triggers to control everything, but I still have to "run back" when i drop the needle. It takes me about the time of the run in groove to get back and comfortable before the music starts.

Good listening,


Hi Lapierre,

I haven't gotten a Digital Module yet. I mostly listen to LPs and am waiting to hear some reviews on the Module. I'm also very curious about what might happen with DSD, before I invest too much into new digital equipment.



M hows the Digital Module sound?


You have the best sit in the house. Novel idea of having the source gear in what appears to be a back closet. Have to run back to your great chair. Enjoyed your pictures. Happy listening.


System edited: Just some notes on the new Phantom III.


I'm really enjoying it. I don't have a CAST amp so the III gives me about as much as I can get from the new Krell series of pre-amps I believe. It's much more open and quicker than the KRC-HR was. While I really liked the KRC-HR, the Phantom made it sound gritty in comparison.
And you are extremely right about the Xover upgrade. It's a jaw dropping difference.


Good upgrades M.

Upgraded Xover makes difference.

How's the Phantom working out for you?


System edited: Just a couple of notes added on my upgraded Diva's.


System edited: Just added the Krell Phantom III. It's barely warmed up, and not burned in yet, but sounds great. I'll post how it sounds as it breaks in.


System edited: I might need to move this to another forum, but I think I am done for now. Sold my 28c and KRC-HR and got a Phantom III. Also just have my speakers re-ribboned, and replaced my outlet with PS Audio outlets. Too many changes at once I know, but hopefully all to the good. I'll post something else as things break in.


Thanks Lapierre,

My chair is only 9 feet from the speakers. If I go back any further the sound stage clumps up, due to a dormer on one side and a build out for AC ducts on the other. The speakers are 6 feet from the back wall and 23.25 inches from the side wall to the speaker foot, making them slightly less than 79 inches apart (side to side). The room is 15x20x8.

I don't think I could make it work without the acoustical treatments, but now especially with the Xover up grade, they sound phenomenal.


Sweet system M.

How far is you listening position from the Diva's?

Great to see room acoustics as well.


Well, I know I said "done for now", but while replacing the speaker terminals on my Diva Xover boxes, I managed to damage one of the inductors, so I decided to rebuild the Xovers. I replaced everything, using Goertz inductors, ESA Clarity caps, and some mystery resistors from England, and silver covered copper wire.

I have a totally new sounding speaker!!! It's amazing how much more of the music I am now hearing. Bigger and deeper sound stage, better highs, tighter and more defined bass, truly amazing.

Any Apogee owners with the original Xovers should consider this. It truly is a huge step up in performance.


System edited: Just added a new pic of my new Diva's.


System edited: Just changed to a pair of Diva's from the Duetta's. I'll post a picture soon.


Well, I did get the Diva's and have them set up. All I can say is WOW!! While I would like to get my seat back a little more than I can, and maybe get them a little farther apart, the Diva's do sound great. So my room does just work. I started with placement exactly where the Duetta's were and then tweaked the positions until they really opened up. Stage is wider than the speakers and slightly deeper than the Duetta's, but there is just so much more there with the Diva's.

So I am really done for now, except I will probably redo the crossovers, binding posts, paint, and eventually ribbons....

Anyway, pictures coming soon.


Showing 51 - 75 of 81 posts