
Ladies and gentlemen, an evolution I didn't anticipate would happen this fast. Thanks to some incredibly knowledgeable, trustworthy and unselfish audiophiles (like Barry Konigsberg from Transparent Audio, Jonathan Tinn from BluelightAudio, Alvin Lloyd Mr GPA, Herve Delatrez) that REALLY showed me what's possible in this fascinating hobby. If only I met these great folks before...

However, I believe I'm now set for the foreseeable future. Going to add a vinyl rig also, and then get back to listening to a whole lot of music...

To be added: Grand Prix Audio Monaco turntable, Dynavector arm & cartridge, GPA Monaco racks & amp stand, move to bigger room, and only then maybe some room treatment.

Sit back...enjoy the music...stunning system looks...I have finally arrived !!!

Components Toggle details

    • EMMLabs CDSA SE
    CD and SACD - value for money: A+
    • DartZeel NHB-108 model one
    Dual Mono power amplifier, 2x100 Watt. If you ever get this amp not broken in, a word of advice. Do not think you've heard this amps capabilities until they have 700+ hours of burn on'd be shortchanging yourself a piece of heaven. I use Geoff Kait's brilliant pebbles to minimize some residual grit as you can see on top of the amp.
    • DartZeel NHB-18NS
    Pre-amplifier with phono stage. Deadquiet battery powered pre with an excellent phonostage. How good is this amp? Well, Mike Fremer (aka Mr Analog) himself declared it better than anything he'd ever heard including his personal reference from Musical Fidelity! I personally love this pre-amp, the perfect match for the 108. No that's where I differ from MF's opinion...oh well, he may not have heard my complete system...
    • Evolution Acoustics MM3
    The next big step in audio! And no doubt the best value for money out there today, as this competes, and in most cases betters transducers 2-3X its retail price. Gotta have the upgraded interconnects between the 3 modules. And, in my opinion, MM3 is more sonically balanced than MM2 if you have the space.
    • DartZeel Zeel Interconnect
    10 mtr Zeel 50 Ohm interconnect. Better connection than any RCA or XLR terminated cable could ever establish, regardless of price! For the 30 foot length its a steal...
    • Jena Labs Model One
    2 10 ft power chords with built in conditioners. Fantastically silent, low noise floor and non colored.
    • Finite Elemente Pagode Master Reference
    Isolation rack
    • Finite Elemente Cerabase
    Isolation feet for the rack
    • Grand Prix Audio Monaco Amp Stand
    Love it! The two first boxes on top of the MM1 crates, one for the amp stand, one for the shelve. Will get the whole Monaco shelve system soon, sorry Finite Elemente. Anyone interested? Send me a mail!
    • Grand Prix Audio Monaco Turntable
    Got to read Alvin's white paper on this magnificent piece of technology. Direct drive, most accurate platter speed of any table that exists today, and yes, that includes the continuum, walker, rockport, SME 30 etc. I didn't plan to get into vinyl until I heard this...M I L E S above any digital I've ever heard. Simlpy jawdropping.
    • Evolution Acoustics Speaker cables
    two double runs of these fantastic speaker cables just brings out the best in the MM3's. As it should.
    • Cable Elevators Ceramic
    Just a tweak that makes sense and is audibly adding - air and transparency - to the already great sound.
    • Dynavector DV-507MK2
    My first arm, so I was recommended this one. Also the listening I did was with this arm and matching cartridge. On order, should get it next month. You think I need a CD rack?
    • Dynavector DRT XV-1s
    Matches the arm, on order too. I'm not an expert here so I will not tell you more than it sounded FANTASTIC with the 507MK2 arm on the GPA Monaco tt to the Dart pre phono section to the Dart power amp into the EA MM2's...need I say more? Don't think so. Got to get a CD rack next...:-)

Comments 32

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Someday, I will definitely take you up on that offer for a visit! Europe... here I come! :)

Thanks for the write up and it does make sense, what you said. The vertical dispersion is the small weakness that the MM3s have, and that's true for any ribbon/stat component. With me, my Martin Logan Summits have limited vertical and somewhat limited horizontal disperion from it being a stat panel.

Good luck in your move to Europe... I hope we meet someday.

Your system is wonderful and the idea of transporting everything to internationally is scary... how are you going about it and you're probably incorporating insurance in there somewhere right?

Good luck!!!




Congrats on a superb setup! I admire those speakers, though I've never heard them. I've never heard the Stradivaris either, but my local dealer has a pair so I can easily get my ears on them once I have the free time to do so.

Anyway, I was wondering if you have had formed any new opinions about the sound difference between the 2?

Please be as specific as possible in elaborating the difference between the Strads and the MM3s..


