
My living room system is mainly for enjoyment, though it also serves as a primary listening room for evaluating and tweaking new designs. Speakers are most often

Notice acoustically neutral coffee table. If you have a glass one get rid of it!

Components Toggle details

    • EMT XSD 15
    Default for stereo
    • EMT XOD 25
    my cartridge for mono heaven
    • Lyra Parnassus
    The original is still my favorite
    • Koetsu Rosewood Sig
    • SME 3012
    Original version, no anti-skate, yes best sounding.
    • Well Tempered Original black stainless arm
    With Marigo Well-Damped-Clamp.
    • SME Series IV.VI
    • Eminent Technology ET-2
    • DeVore Fidelity Turntable
    Modular plinth system for quick platter/bearing/drive/arm switching
    • Luxman T-12
    Love it, sounds great and Accutouch is cool.
    • Nakamichi BX-300
    with remote!
    • Counterpoint SA-5000A
    MC step-up bypassed with transformers
    • Audio Note P-3 SE
    Silver Signature Version, approx $10k
    • Audio Research VT-130 SE
    Big, Bold and hot as hell
    • Yamaha CA-1000
    Back-up integrated, also what my wife uses. Sounds beautiful in class-A, nice phono section.
    • DeVore Fidelity gibbon Super 8s
    small floorstander

Comments 30

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Hi John,

I just had the pleasure to have a pair of your Super 8s in my room for a week
- thanks to a good friend and just for fun :).

I really enjoyed the evenhanded and uncolored presentation of the Super 8
which don't draw attention to themselves. Shohini and I had a couple of really
nice evenings just immersing ourself in music and being drawn into very
different pieces.

I have come to really enjoy the single driver approach and and haven't really
considered a two-way like the Devore in while. I think you created something
very special there.

Best wishes,

