
Simple is the best.

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    • Audio Aero Capitole mk2.3
    Build-in preamp
    • Plinius SA-250 mkIV
    Solid State Amp
    • Hansen Audio The Prince V2
    3-way systems

Comments 6

Showing all comments by duomike.

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They are in an entirely different league than WP 7 IMO.
There is a dealer here in Indonesia, not sure about other asian countries.

Yes excuisite, I listened to the emporers at Surya's place


Heard the Hansen Emperors last week at a friends place driven by EMM labs LE combo and Kharama 350 wpcs reference class D amps.
Stunning. hansen is really up to something with their pwn drivers. They seem to be in a class of it's own.
congrats for buying a fantastic speaker!
