
I think I'm done for now, but the tweak monster still hides in my closet. Synergy is fantastic with this system. Amazing 2 channel audio, with Video application available.

Components Toggle details

    • Odyssey Audio Stratos
    Stratos amp. Quite a stellar piece for the price point and beyond. Very neutral, smooth.
    • Elac 203.2
    Fantastic performers! Incredible extension, openness, detail, with smoothness
    • CEC TL51-XR
    Belt Drive player, Dual Mono DAC output, Class A Current Injection technology. INCREDIBLE cd player!
    • Anthem PRE-2L
    Lovely, clean, and dynamic. Pairs well with the Odyssey Stratos
    • VH Audio Flavor 4, 2, 1
    Great dynamic power delivery with apparent linear sonic structure. Not the last word in PC perfection or smoothness but it certainly delivers %95 of bigger dollar AC snakes.
    • Furutech etp-60
    Passive EMI/RFI filtered power box. Does not hamper dynamics but cleans dirty wall juice.
    • Vibrapod/Vibracone vibration dampener
    Definitely a nice improvement in soundstage precision and bass management, airiness.
    • Plateau 4 shelf
    MDF planks, steel pillars, spiked feet. Inexpensive and rigid.
    • CD player dampener Dense maple
    Actually, this is a $20 heavy duty cutting board, but it's probably a good 10 pounds or more. Cheap tweak!
    • PowerWerks Power Pro 1610
    Used for video application only. Fitlers EMI/RFI. Pro rack oriented but not great for home audio as it robs dynamics.
    • Element Cable Twisted Pair II
    IC from Anthem to Odyssey Stratos. Clean and neutral but perhaps a bit sterile.
    • Homegrown Audio Silver Lace
    Silver, 16 strand. Rhodium Plated lock RCA's.
    • virtual dynamics Power 3
    new version
    • Van den hul Magnum Hybrid
    8 gauge, wicked awesome.

Comments 7

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Hey Lensman...HT Bypass is a selection on some preamps and more popular on integrated amps in recent days. My setup is hooked up as such: A5 CD player to A5 integrated and main speakers hooked up to the integrated. Therefore the CD player can only be used with the integrated in channel format. The integrated is then hooked up to the Amp out for Left and Right speakers on the Arcam and HT Bypass RCA jacks on the integrated. When I want to watch movies (I have a DVD player hooked up to the Arcam only) I select HT Bypass on the integrated (just as CD, Phono, Tuner). Doing this turns the integrated into an amp ony that the Arcam volume now allows it to be an external amp. Really, Really slick!


Lensman...nice setup...I too use the AVR200 for 5.1 music and video only. I almost did the same setup in terms of using it as a processor, but went with a preamp that had an HT hout instead...therefore the Arcam only drives my center and surrounds and is not used at all for 2 channel. In all I think it is a perfect component for those of us who are in real world places financially...your setup looks really good.
