
My goal in audio has always been to create a system that is capable of providing me with the most emotional connection to the music. It has taken me approximately 10 years to get there. I wish I would have met Jonathan Halpern and Shindo much sooner... System Strengths: Goosebumps... Close your eyes in front of this system and you find yourself hovering in the clouds with the musical artist perfectly presented before you. Be prepared to be emotionally connected to the music like never before...

Components Toggle details

    • Shindo Valencias
    Shindo made cabinets and crossovers utilizing vintage Altec drivers. Absolutely stunning looking and sounding. Hands down the most beautiful sounding and looking speakers I have ever laid ears/eyes on! They can easily bring a tear to your eyes and goosebums to your skin...
    • Shindo Lafon Monoblocks 8 watt SET
    Produces glorious sound with Western Electric 300B tubes.
    • Shindo Monbrison
    Amazing sound quality from this little green box!
    • Sony DVP-CX777ES
    Heavily modded by Steve Nugent at Empirical Audio. All analog mods were performed and modded Superclock2 was added. The best CDP I have yet to hear!
    • Shindo Arome CD transformer
    inserted between CDP and preamp
    • Shindo interconnects
    used throughout my entire system
    • Auditorium 23 Speaker cables
    3M length
    • Shindo Mr. T
    Dropped the noise floor to unbelievably low levels.
    • Shindo Upgraded Power Cords
    used to connect every piece of gear in my sytem
    • Home Depot Birch plywood
    1/2" sheets beneath and behind speakers. 1/3" sheets beneath all gear.

Comments 8

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Absolutely awesome system! Any updates since 2006?
