
Basement room measures 14' wide x 26' long' x 7.5' tall.  Dedicated 20 amp lines.   

Musical interests vary from jazz, classical, female vocals, acoustic, alternative & pop.

Streaming Qobuz on Roon has transformed my listening.  I didn't expect the huge jump in sound quality when I switched to Roon.

Previous speakers:  Harbeth 40.2 Anniversary, Harbeth 40.1, Harbeth Super HL5, Dynaudio C2 & C4, Daedalus Ulysses, Silverline Sonata.

Previous amps:  VAC 70/70 Signature, Music Reference RM9 MK2, McIntosh MC275 MKV, Plinius SA-102, VAC Phi 200, VAC 30/30, Quicksilver KT Mono's.

Room Details

Dimensions: 26’ × 14’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Altec Lansing Model 19
    1978 vintage horn speaker with rebuilt drivers from Great Plains Audio and Werner Jagusch crossovers.  Replaced Harbeth M-40.2 Anni's. Big sound, very dynamic and very enjoyable.
    • McIntosh MC-30
    Purchased from Audio Classics in March 2024.  Added GE 6L6GC's from VTS, Tungsol 12AX7's, RCA 12AU7 Cleartops, CBS 12BH7 black plates and Tungsol 5AW4 Rectifiers.
    • deHavilland Electric Ultraverve 3
    Most enjoyable and complimentary preamp I've owned, by a large margin.  Responds well to tube rolling.  Currently loaded with NOS Tung Sol's in all positions.  Exceptional value.
    • Weiss Engineering DAC 202
    Replaced an outstanding Audio Aero Capitole Reference DAC/CDP/PRE.  I can't say the Weiss is better than the Audio Aero, but it's more neutral.  This DAC is a bargain on the used market.
    • Roon Labs Nucleus
    Roon Nucleus server paired with IFi Zen Stream as a Roon end-point, connected via Black Cat Silverstar SPDIF cable to Weiss 202 DAC.  Streaming Qobuz.  Surprisingly nice step up in sound quality and enjoyability from my previous Aurender N10 at 1/4th the cost.
    • KCI Silkworm RCA Interconnect
    Gold based RCA interconnect cable. Outperforms the Purist Venustas it replaced by a large margin.
    • Silent Running Audio VR-2 & 3 isolation platforms
    I tired of messing with the various footers on the market. These are the real deal... excellent construction, visually appealing and effective.
    • Salamander Synergy Triple 20
    Cherry Finish
    • GIK Room Treatments Tri Traps, 244 panels and Alpha 4 diffusion panels
    This is the 2nd room I've treated with GIK products.  Highly recommended, especially 244 panels.
    • Acoustic BBQ 12 gage Dueland speaker cables
    I've had significantly more expensive speaker cables from Stealth and Auditorium, but prefer these.  I also use ja pair of these in my secondary system.  Great bang for the buck.
    • iFi Audio Zen Stream
    Acting as a Roon endpoint centered between a Roon Nucleus server and my DAC.

Comments 160

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@smortega I use the IFi Zen Stream as my Roon endpoint, in part, because my DAC is not USB compatible.  Also, I have read multiple user posts stating the Nucleus by itself is not a great streamer... but in my case, when paired with the Zen Streamer to handle the streaming duties, this combination exceeded the sound quality and connectivity vs. my previous Aurender N10 streamer at a fraction of the expense.


@tomstruck I'm using the DAC in my Audio Aero Capitol Reference CDP.  It's 10 years old, but I've always liked the way it sounds and it also serves as a preamp.


  • Replaced beloved Harbeth 40.1's with 40.2 Anniversaries
  • Treated room with GIK diffusion and absorption panels
  • Audio Aero CDP had capacitor upgrade to Jupiter Copper Foil and refreshed tubes with NOS Mullard 6021's


Thank you kind sir.  I haven't had the urge to make changes in quite a while, so it must be doing something right!


Thanks Pehare.  I need to update my system as my source has changed to an Audio Aero Capitol Reference CDP/DAC going straight into my Music Reference RM9 MK2 amp.  Gone are the VAC 30/30, Aesthetix Calypso Signature preamp and Luxman DAC.  So much simpler having only a source straight into an amp.


System update reflects 
  • move to a different home (different audio room pics)
  • added VAC 30/30 MK III Signature 300B push-pull amp
  • added Music Reference RM9 MK II EL 34 tube amp
  • added Cardas Golden Reference IC 


Updated with different amp (VAC PHI 200), Music Vault server, Luxman DA-06 DAC.


Sadly, I've only put about 20 hours on them as my system is down awaiting a minor repair. Despite them not being fully broken in, I immediately noticed a fuller response in bass and midrange. The LFD's are no slouch in their price range, but the Auditorium's are classics that exude a look and feel of quality construction. They are a destination speaker cable for me.


Sorry for the delayed response. It's been quite some time since I've owned the C4's... but going on memory, the Harbeth's are much more organic sounding, have better bass and midrange, and are not fatiguing. I've owned the 40.1's twice, but have no interest in owning Dyn C series again. To my ears, the Harbeth's are far superior to the Dyn's.


System edited: Added Auditorium A23 speaker cables and documented upgrades to the VAC 70/70 sig amp by Kevin and Brent.


System edited: Added GIK Tri Traps on the front wall. Added a Logitech Squeezebox Touch, the best bargain in audio.


System edited: Have gone back to the big Harbeth M-40.1's. I regrettably sold my previous pair of M-40.1's about four years ago to change things up, but after trying two other decent speakers over those years, I realized the big M-40.1's are the speaker that just do it for me. Last time I used Skylan stands, but this time opted for the rock solid Sound Anchor's. Also replaced the reputable Modwright Sony 5400ES cdp with EAR's Acute II... a great piece that will be with me a long time. The addition of the big Harbeth's and the Acute CDP have successfully reinvigorated my interest in in this hobby. Next up... more experimentation with 6922 tubes for the Acute and I have some GIK Tri Traps on order.


Sorry for the delayed response. I've only been able to spend a few hours with my new (used) 40.1's, but they are fantastic. They will be with me a long time!

I'm amazed they don't get more love on Audiogon. Once I upload my new pics, I believe you and I will have the only virtual systems on Audiogon with M-40.1's... hard for me to believe there's not a larger following.


System edited: Sold the Harbeth SHL5's, Modwright Transporter & soon my REL sub to fund an upgrade to Harbeth M-40.1's. This will be my second time owning the 40.1's... I regretted selling them... lesson learned. I'm hoping to have the big Harbeth's by early August... can't wait!


System edited: Pics updated with Harbeth SHL5's, new Modwright CDP & Keifer the wonder dog.


System edited: Added a Modwright Sony XA5400ES CDP with a NOS Mullard 5AR4 rectifier tube (rebranded as Hammonds 1965 vintage) in the external power supply and green label Sylvania chrome tops in the CDP. Just tonight, I switched out the stock Sovtek rectifier tube for the NOS Mullard (kudo's to Brent Jesse Supply), which has added some oomph in the bass and clarity to the mids/highs. I'm using the Wywires Juice II Silver power cords feeding the CDP & external power supply. This CDP provides exceptional bang for the buck once tweaked with high quality NOS tubes and decent power cords.


My system is in need of an update. I've gone back to the Harbeth line, currently using SHL5's... and am toying with going back to Harbeth M-40.1's which I had prior to the Daedalus. I also recently acquired a Modwright Sony 5400ES cdp.

I've been following you for some time. I like your move from Dyn's to low powered tube gear driving the big Tannoy's.

I'm hoping to go to RMAF this year to educate myself on different speakers, amps and digital players, as the bulk of my audio purchases are based upon on-line research vs. actual auditions.


I'm liking them a lot. I'm sold on the Harbeth sound.

Unfortunately I moved into a new house about 6 months ago and my new listening room does not contain the sound very well, so my ability to listen to music without disturbing my very sensitive wife has been curtailed significantly.


Just purchased Harbeth SHL5's and a Modwright Platinum Signature Transporter with upgraded tubes. Looking forward to getting my new toys.


The Ulysses / VAC pairing was very good... no complaints. I may regret selling them as the sound was quite good and they were beautiful to look at.

The only area that the Ulysses fell short on vs. my previous Harbeth M-40.1's was in texture and body. The Harbeth's are extremely organic and earthy sounding... very full bodied.

I'm thinking about going back to Harbeth M-40.1's or trying the SHL5's.

My wife dislikes the big box look of the M-40.1's... so the SHL5's would be the lesser of the two evils.

TAS had a nice review of the Stirling LS3/6's which can be had new for a little over $4K. Not a lot of info on the web about them yet... but what info there is all seems to be quite positive. I prefer to buy used as I tend to change things up every two years or so... so I'd definitely take a bath on reselling the Stirlings when I decide to move on to something else.

Taking my time for now until I do more research on my speaker options... then will hold out for a good price. Recently missed a pair of M-40.1's that sold for here for about $6K... a very attractive price. Still would prefer to keep it under $4K... so the SHL5's and Stirling LS3/6's are definitely serious contenders.


Doug - I told my wife what you have recommended, then showed her the picture of your Ulysses setup in Landscape mode.... and she tell him to "Get the hell out of here!" We both had a good laugh.


System edited: added pics.


System edited: New man cave. Contemplating selling my Daedalus Ulysses once the tax refund comes in. I keep flip flopping on staying pat or rolling the dice with a different speaker.


System edited: Several changes... 1. Replaced Harbeth M-40.1's with Daedalus Ulysses speakers. 2. Replaced Purist Venustas IC with KCI Silkworm. 3. Added REL Storm MK III subwoofer.


I LOVE the VAC 30/30... and I'm not just saying that because my 30/30 is for sale . There's a big part of me that thinks this may be an amp that I'll regret selling because it has a very seductive sound. I just could not help myself from moving up the VAC food chain with the Signature version 70/70. There was only thirty of the Signature version of the 70/70 made, so I pulled the trigger on an impulse buy. Still breaking in a fresh octet of 300B's, so it's still too early to know what the 70/70 Sig is capable of.


System edited: Replaced VAC Renaissance 30/30 MK III with VAC Renaissance 70/70 Signature. Also added 46" Samsung TV to complete the man cave.


System edited: Added VAC Renaissance 30/30 MK III amp. Really impressive piece of eye candy. Drive's my big Harbeth's with no problem... plenty of of grunt and finesse... works well with rock, jazz and acoustic. Using a new quad of 300B's from VAC with one pair each of Sylvania JAN 6SN7 WGTA's and 1957 Sylvania green label 6SN7 GTB's.


Yes... I agree with the corner placement being ideal, but it was very difficult for my wife to stomach my current layout, even though this is supposed to be my man cave.


Ryder, I have 8 GIK 244's. My room is far from ideal, so the panels are squeezed in where I had room (5 along the front wall & the other 3 along one side wall). I installed them way back when I had Dyn C4's and the improvement was quite significant as they helped reduce listener fatigue (my main problem with the C4's) and the music had a lot more focus in my room. I have zero problems with excess bass with the 40.1's and listener fatigue is a non issue. I highly recommend GIK... the staff is helpful, they are very inexpensive and I think they look good (my wife disagrees... no surprise there).


Tom - It's been about 4 months since I owned the Calypso/Mac system, and this system is still very new to me, so it's somewhat tough to compare. I haven't had much time to experiment with the new system, really only putting in about 8-10 hours of quality listening. Just last night I tried a new (to me) Siemens 6DJ8 driver tube in the CJ Prem 140 and it really seemed to make a difference, but I don't want to commit after only listening to one CD. The new system can play noticeably louder without losing coherency, and the soundstage is larger too. I'm waiting for some SED 6550's to arrive to see what that does for the amp and also have another driver tube (Amperex PQ 7308) to try as well so I'm still in the research phase with this new system... but so far it's going well and I have no regrets.

As far as the speaker grills, I always leave them on... just removed them to show them off for the picture, as I think they look sharp without the grills.


Thanks Tom... It's system's like yours that I use to justify feeding my audio addiction. Every time I've tried to downgrade I regret it. The McIntosh MA2275 is a very nice integrated & I would definitely recommend it to folks looking for a well built, wonderful sounding tube integrated to drive efficient speakers, but it lacked the drive, body and transparency of my tubed separates.... and my big Harbeth's just needed more power.


System edited: My experiment with trying to simplify my system with integrated amplification was relatively short lived (3 months). I'm back to tube separates and all is well again! This go-around I've stepped things up a bit, going with the powerful Conrad Johnson Premier 140 tube amp (140 WPC). This amp is very well balanced and seems to do everything right... authoritative & dynamic when the music calls for it, yet subtle and sweet on quieter passages & vocals. Really a nice, beefy amp from a reputable US company and built to last! Also landed the rarely available (used) Signature version of the Aesthetix Calypso... man is this preamp sweet! Using Telefunken smooth plate 12AX7's (the best IME) and IEC Mullard 6922's. I loved the standard version Calypso with NOS tubes and regretted selling it... but learned my lesson and now have the Signature version which is truly outstanding. I highly recommend both the standard and Signature version of the Calypso... a great company and great gear!


System edited: Simplified things by selling my separates and moving to an all tube integrated. The McIntosh MA2275 is awesome with my Harbeth's... excellent synergy and plenty of power! I'm very happy I made this move. Also sold off my power conditioner and a power cord. Now, everything is plugged straight into dedicated outlets and my system has never sounded finer, due in large part to the addition of the MA2275. I love the simplicity that an integrated amp provides and I've had to make no sacrifice in sound... it's actually been an upgrade and I've saved some money selling off my separates and peripheral gear.


Luna - The 40.1's bass is very full and could be percieved as somewhat boomy I guess... but it's a very well integrated speaker IMO. Much better sounding than any speakers that I've used in the past in combination with a subwoofer.

I do have (8) GIK 244 bass panels throughout my room and would recommend them if you want to try 40.1's or any truly full range speaker for that matter (unless you have a huge room).

I've also found thru experimentation with tubes that bass response can be fine tuned if you use a tube amp and or tubed preamp.


Luna - I've not heard the HL5's, but can tell you that the 40.1's have very robust bass response and good dynamics. Your room size will be fine for the 40.1's IME.


Srwooten - I recommend white label Amperex in the 6922 slots. In the 12AX7 slots, I've had good luck with both Mullard CV4004 Platinums (neutral and full bodied), as well as Telefunken smooth plates (leaner than the Mullards, with great midrange). The Telefunken smooth plates (12AX7) are my preferred tube with my system, as my system errors on the side of warm... mostly due to the leanings of the Harbeth's and the Jade Hybrid Gold IC's.


System edited: Rolled some more tubes in the McIntosh MC275: Replaced Mullard CV-4004 Platinum's with early 1960's vintage Amperex Bugle Boy 12AX7's. The Bugle Boy's are more transparent & forward sounding than the Mullard CV 4004's , but IME, they are not as forward sounding as the RCA 5751 TMBP's, which I found to be very fatiguing (YMMV). I think I'll be sticking with the Amperex Bugle Boy's for a while. Very lively sound, but smooth (albeit, moderately fatiguing). They seem to be a well balanced tube across the whole frequency spectrum.


The Mac tube amp sounds beautiful... and yes it is better sounding than the Plinius amp. I'm still experimenting with tube rolling, but with my present tube configuration of my pre and amp, the sound is noticeably more liquid and musical. Vocals have more air & extension... greater dynamics, heft, body and immediacy, yet very smooth and non-fatiguing.

Keep in mind, it wasn't instant bliss, in that it has taken some experimentation with various tubes... but I feel like I've got it figured out. Currently listening to Sarah McLachlan's live cd, Mirrorball, and it's never sounded so good!


Sam - I tried the Tele smooth plates in the amp, and the sound was similar to the RCA 5751 TMBP's in that the sound was very dynamic and forward sounding in comparison to the Mullard CV 4004 platinums I've been using. The Tele's were really too forward and fatiguing for my tastes in the amp, so I've since gone back to using the CV 4004's in the amp, and have moved the Tele's into my Aesthetix Calypso preamp, where they sound quite nice (only a few hours into my evaluation). In the Calypso, the Tele's have added dynamics, resolution and clarity without the fatigue factor that was more prominent when I had them in the MC 275.

Next, I think I'm going to find & try some old Mullard smooth plates in the MC 275.


I tried NOS RCA 5751 TMBP's but found them to be too forward sounding for my tastes.


I'm using the stock SED KT88's, with NOS Sylvania TMBP 12AT7's and NOS Mullard CV 4004's in the 12AX7 slots. I had some NOS Mullard & Telefunken 12AX7 smooth plates on order with a tube dealer, but after 3+ weeks of waiting for them to ship, I cancelled my order in frustration. I'll probably try to snag some Telefunken smooth plates from the Agon classifieds in the next few weeks.


System edited: Added a McIntosh MC-275 MK V tube amp and a vintage Sansui TU-919 tuner. This is my first tube amp! Runs cool and sounds wonderful, especially with classical and acoustic music. The stock Sansui TU-919 replaced an uber expensive modern tuner, but holds it's own at a fraction of the price.


Samhar - I'm guessing by your polite response that the 40.1's did not impress. Can you explain the room & associated equipment / cabling that you heard with the 40.1's? I'd be interested to hear your take on them to see how it differs with my experience.


System edited: Replaced Dyn. C4's with Harbeth M-40.1's which has proven to be a very satisfying move, as the Harbeth's are very musical and easy on the ears during long listening sessions. Also added an Audio Magic Stealth Mini power conditioner for my amp... paired with an Audio Magic Sorcerer silver power cord.


Chris - My tank is dead silent... can't even tell it's there. I use an Eheim
Professional canister filter and that's it... no powerheads.


Sorry for the delayed response...

Ryder - The GIK 244 panels are absorption only. I may experiment with taking some of them down, but given that the Harbeth's already exceed the bass output of the C4's, I'm relatively confident I'll continue to need and want the absorption qualities the GIK panels provide. Good advise though... I'll give it a try.

Yes... the Plinius class A amps are warm & lush, which is to my liking. So far I'm really pleased with the M-40.1's as they sound great @ all volume levels and there is zero listening fatigue.

I'd liken the sound of the Harbeth M-40.1's to a luxury touring sedan... very comfortable, rich, smooth & enjoyable over long listening periods... whereas the C4's are more of a high performance sports car, in that they are stimulating & excel @ higher volumes.

Samhar - The C4's new owner is picking them up this weekend... so I should have more leeway for dialing in the Harbeth's once the C4's are out of the way. I'm already very happy with the Harbeth's... simply musical, easy to listen to and have an earthy organic sound that just seems right.


Not quite ready to pick the final resting spot for the Harbeth's, as the new
owner of my C4's lives a few states away and won't be able to pick them up until
mid June :-(.

Even though the 40.1's are not dialed in yet, I think I have a pretty good feel for
them and can say that they have allowed me to achieve my main objective, which
is sounding wonderful at low to moderate volume level's which is something the
C4's were not good at, atleast with my moderately powered Plinius amp. The
40.1's are not an exciting speaker with high "wow" factor, but they
are well balanced, very musical and easy to listen to. The C4's are great, and I
know I will miss them, but every once in a while, I have the need to mix things
up to keep my audiophile juices flowing!


Well, I've had my new Harbeth M 40.1's hooked up for approx. 2.5 hours. I don't have them properly set up yet, as they are sharing space with my C4's as their new out of state owner is making logistical arrangements to have them picked up. Also, the M-40.1 are currently resting upon mismatched end tables, as my Skylan stands are on order, but still 2 weeks away from being delivered from Calgary.

For those that are curious about comparisons of the Dyn. C4's vs. the Harbeth M-40.1's, here's a preliminary take after a few hours of listening:

* Transparency, clarity & imaging - advantage C4
* Appearance / WAF - advantage C4
* Leading edge - advantage C4
* Decay - slight advantage to C4
* Highs / extension - advantage C4
* Midrange - advantage M-40.1
* Bass depth - advantage M-40.1
* Palpability - tie
* Dynamics - tie (but different in their own ways)
* Performance at low to moderate volumes - advantage M-40.1
* Performance at moderate to high volumes - advantage C4
* Smoothness - advantage M-40.1
* Warmth - advantage M-40.1
* Placement of musicians - large advantage C4

At the end of the day, both are exceptional speakers... just different!

Will provide a more detailed review of the M-40.1's after I have them properly set up, dialed in and mounted to Skylan stands.


Well, I know the Harbeth's won't surpass the C4's in the appearance / WAF department, as I think the Rosewood C4's are exceptionally good looking IMO. However, I am hoping / expecting the 40.1's to surpass the C4's in the area of musicality @ low to moderate listening level's and maybe eventually allow me to try a moderate powered tube amp (100 WPC or fewer) if the urge to try a tube amp gets the better of me.


Samhar... your quite observant. I bought the Harbeth M-40.1's listed by GiorgioP. Kind of an impulse buy, as I've never heard Harbeth's... so I'm betting they are worthy replacements for the C4's based on Harbeth's reputation and research I've gleaned from the web. I love my C4's, just wanted to try something different... and Harbeth 40.1's rarely show up on the used market, unlike C4's, so I figured I'd pull the trigger.

I'm expecting to have the M-40.1's by this coming Wednesday... will report back in later this week to compare & contrast the Harbeth's vs. the mighty Dyn's!


The Plinius SA-102 paired with a tubed preamp will be an excellent combo for the 1.3SE's (former 1.3SE owner). You'd probably be fine with the less expensive SA-100 as well.

The comparison of Plinius vs. Sim in my experience is one of comparing an apple to an orange.... Plinius is warmer, more robust with emphasis in the midrange & microdynamics, with rolled off highs... Sim is faster, leaner with more emphasis in the highs and macrodynamics. Two totally different sounding amps.


System edited: New Tuner (Magnum Dynalab MD-108) and added three Silent Running Audio VR series platforms. All excellent purchases!


Samhar - The sorbagel definitely reduced the noise floor. I liked it best on my preamp using two Q feet on the front and two wood blocks on the back. I'm selling because I'm upgrading to Silent Running Audio (SRA) VR platforms.


System edited: I'm returning my recently purchased SA-102 due to a mutual resolution to a problem incurred upon receipt. So, I'm in the market again for another SA-102 (2004 vintage or newer) to bridge as a monoblock with my existing stereo SA-102.


System edited: Added a second Plinius SA-102 amp to run in bridged monoblock mode. Also had my Audio Aero Capitol repaired, replacing the Phillips CDM12 transport along with cryo'ed NOS JAN-Raytheon 6021 tubes.


System edited: I've finally taken the plunge and ventured into computer audio. I'm streaming I-Tunes wirelessly via IMAC computer to an Airport Express. Airport Express is connected to the Empirical Audio Pace Car 2 via Van Den Hul Opticoupler toslink cable. Purist Aqueous Anniversary digital rca connects the Pace Car to the digital input of my Audio Aero Capitol cdp. I've learned a lot thru this experience, but still feel like I've got a long way to go when it comes to computer audio.


Samhar - Given the high price tag, I would not go out of my way to pursue the 10M gold pins unless you can get them for a very good price (< $500/pair), as the CV 4004's are a great value and provide more bang for your buck when compared to $850 10M gold pins. I'll do some research on the Sorbogel feet... you have sparked my interest.


Samhar - The difference between the CV 4004's and the 10M gold pins is more one of coloring, in that the 10M's are more neutral, and the CV 4004's are more colored. Both sound great in the Calypso, and I think the CV 4004's are very underrated. Since I paid big bucks ($850) for the pair of 10M's, I feel inclined to use them and have the CV 4004's set aside as dependable backups. I still need to upgrade my 6922's to optimize the Calypso, but my audio budget is on lock-down for the foreseeable future. I've yet to experiment with isolation devices other than the no-brainer, inexpensive DIY variety.


Jon47 - I'll admit I have not tried a more powerful amp than the SA-102 with my C4's... however, I've not felt like I've been missing out when it comes to bass response, or anything else for that matter. If this recession ever runs it's course, I may indulge in some powerful SS monoblocks.. maybe McIntosh MC 501's, Parasound JC-1's or Lamm ML-1.1's.... or other???

If you are considering the C4's, it sounds like your primary concern should be room placement and not whether your SA-103 will provide adequate bass response. You may want to consider different speakers (preferably front ported) if you are limited to placement within 24" of your rear wall. C4's need plenty of breathing room and preferably, a well treated room.

Garryh... Haimoc... & Mapman,
Thanks for the favorable comments on my system. Your kind words and compliments are much appreciated ;-)


System edited: Added 2 pair of Jade Audio Hybrid interconnects. The Hybrids have taken my system to a new level. Highly recommended!


System edited: Sold my trusty REL Storm III sub to fund my NOS tube upgrades. I would not hesitate to own this sub again... just no need for a subwoofer with the full range Dyn. C4's.


System edited: Several changes: 1. Added 3 more GIK Acoustic wall panels, for a total of 8. 2. Added a pair of NOS Mullard 10M Gold Pins to the Calypso preamp... A fairly costly upgrade @ $850, but the sound just keeps getting better. 3. Added a pair of NOS Telefunken ECC801S to my Jolida Tuner. Really took my inexpensive tuner to a new level.


System edited: Added room treatments in the form of 5 wall panels from Gik Acoustics. Also pulled my speakers further away from the wall (approx. 5 feet to the front of the speaker baffle). Adding the room treatments and experimenting with speaker placement has really improved the sound exponentially, and has dramatically reduced listener fatigue. I'm kicking myself for not investing in room treatments sooner. I have three more panels left, but my wife pitched such a huge fit, I settled for only installing five. Not only have they significantly improved my sound, but I think they look great.... much better than a bare wall. I also installed NOS Mullard CV4004's into my Calypso... a huge improvement over the stock Sovteks and "new production" Mullard 12AX7's I tried originally. When Uncle Sam sends me my "economic stimulus" check, I think I'll try to help stimulate the economy by investing in NOS Mullard 10M's & some Amperex White Label 6922's.


Ryder - Sorry for the slow response. An atypically hectic work schedule has taken me away from home quite a bit, so I've been unable to listen to my system. My early analysis of the Calypso with the stock Sovtek tubes resulted in my system sounding fuzzy & way too bright.

I'm just now getting my first listen to the Calypso with different tubes (new production Mullard 12AX7's & NOS Tesla 6922 gold pins). After 5 days of burn-in, the upgrade in tubes is paying off in a big way... listening to Miles Davis 'Kind of Blue' & Michael Buble 'It's Time', I'm hearing excellent clarity, extended crystalline highs, and strong microdynamics, attack & decay, however, I'd say the Calypso is still leaning towards sounding a tad bit bright (but I still like it ;). I'll listen with these tubes for a few months, but may try NOS Telefunken 12AX7's (@ Albert Porters recommendation) when my cash flow improves. The Calypso has proven to be a significant & noteworthy upgrade over the Plinius CD-LAD, really adding a new dimension to my systems overall sound... increased clarity, attack & decay, imaging, holistic & natural presentation.

The C4's are proving to be very exceptional speakers. While I really enjoyed my time with the C2's... the C4's build upon the strengths of the C2's, while adding low to mid bass response that fleshes out the soundstage, pronounced instrument seperation, taking the overall listening experience to another level. Upgrading my preamp to the Calypso is also proving to pay-off in a big way in getting the most out of my C4's.


System edited: Speaker upgrade: Dynaudio C4's replaced C2s. Preamp upgrade: Aesthetix Calypso replaced Plinius CD-LAD


Dpac996 - Thanks for the compliments. Your system is very aesthetically pleasing and oozing with class.

I use the Neutrik connection of the REL which connects directly to the speaker terminals of the amplifier. The REL Storm is the best sub I've owned, in that it fleshes out the sound across a large swath of sound frequency... not just impacting the bass. The REL is highly adjustable, is easy to integrate and does a nice dissappearing act. If I ever try another sub, I'll stick with REL... just move up to the Stadium or Stentor model.


Ryder - Thanks for the compliments. Yes, I'm still using the CD-LAD as my pre and will eventually upgrade down the road when funds become available... maybe the IRS will be good to me next April ;)


System edited: Added Harmonic Technology Pro 9 Plus speaker cables.


Joey - Thanks for the compliments. I've never heard Martin Logan's either!


Jgy1 - I'm very happy with the C2's... by far, the best speaker I have ever owned, but also the most expensive:( I hear wonderful things about the C1's... do you run your C1's with a sub? I'm continuing to use my REL sub with my C2's... it seems to flesh out the sound, and the REL subs are a great value on the used market. The Plinius SA-102 is a nice synergistic match with Dynaudio speakers (also ran it for a short time with some 1.3SE's prior to selling them to pay down my C2's). Currently someone is listing a Plinius SA 250 for only $2350! If your in the market for an amp upgrade, that SA-250 is one hell of a deal that is sure to sell quick.

I've got some new speaker cables on the way (Harmonic Technology Pro 9's +)... I'm hoping they are going to make a favorable contribution to the sound. I'm thinking my next significant upgrade will be a preamp. I'm curious what the rest of your system consists of... especially your preamp and cabling?
