
Wonderful match between Classé Audio electronics, Transparent cables and Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors speakers. The speakers look tiny compared to the system but anything bigger would be to much for my listening room. Maybe in the future, I will upgrade them to the SF Guarneri line. But for now, I am enjoying my system so much. I assembled it piece by piece over the last 9 years. The combination provides lots of musicality and sound stage is so precise and deep. I can listen to it tirelessly for hours (tireless sound is so typical to SF speakers). My system has been built mainly for jazz, vocals and classical music (chamber music to orchestral recordings).

Since spring 2014 the SFCA have been replaced by their bigger brothers: the SF Guarneri Memento. Incredible upgrade. Sound is much more detailed and deep. The 400 wpc amps provide them with sufficient power to perform magnificently. Also added a PS Audio Power Plant P5 to clean-power all the electronics but for the CA-M400, which are connected to the older PS Audio PPP. Finally, all my CD are now placed on custom made shelves and are no longer on the monoblocks :-)

Just added one JL Audio F110 subwoofer in the chain. Only one because of space available.

Components Toggle details

    • JL Audio F110 Fathom Subwoofer
    New addition to my system since January 2016. Glossy finish.
    Interconnects: Custom made 10' XLR balanced cable with Neutrik NC3-XX-BAG series
    Power cord : Custom made 8' of high-flex 12/2 AWG cable with Oyaide P/C-046 plugs

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Now that you most probably have received your SF Mementi how do you like them? Please let me know your thoughts. Cheers.


Hi Greg,

Sorry for such long reply to your post. I have tried different types of cables (Crystal Cable Reference Speaker cables, Yter speaker cables and my always beloved Transparent Reference XL speaker cables). With CC and Yter, the sound was clear but lack liveliness. I have always found Transparent cables to provide me with lots of listening pleasure (deep bass, balanced medium and precise high). I have not been able to listen the SF Mementi with Transparent Gen5 cables. I guess I am done for now. I noticed with addition of two PS Audio power regens added some better soundstage precision. What is your system?
