
This is the best sounding setup I have ever had and I love it! It is so much fun to sit down and listen to. I look forward all the time to getting back in front of it. I have a pair of Piega P8-LTD ribbon hybrid speakers that used to be my refrence but once you get into SET amps and crossoverless speakers theres no equal anymore! I have a pair of highly modded Decware radials and a pair of Oskar Heils but they dont come out and play much any more. The Decwares with modds are absoloutely unreal. Very analogue in the topend with no ( theres the tweeter) feeling, and the bass is outstanding thanks to a internal foldedhorn design using a 8 inch JL HO8 subwoofers firing downward and adjusting the deck hieght adjust the bass. If the cabs are on the floor all mid bass but if you raise them 2 inches the max hieght less mid bass but massive lowend EQ,ed at 40 Hz to be exactI have gone completely computer audio now so no CD transports anymore. I realize its not the prettiest set up but I dont look at it I listen to it! Mostly at night with the lights turned off. My favorite is my SET with 5 watts from a 6B4g which is a 2A3 with an octal base. and next favorite the Copland and last the Meitner. I have a love for the music not the price. But I do love equipment! I will take any advice. Thanks guys!

Components Toggle details

    • Wyred 4 Sound DAC-1/w 24/96 input mods
    32/192 Digital to analog prossesing. It is nothing short of WOW! And thats an actual WOW! After listening to this dac I may never want another dac for a while and I change Dac,s like you wouldn,t believe! This dac is the 5th or 6th one this year! I love it and its one of the cheapest dac,s Ive had!
    • Audio-gd P-2 W/mods
    This pre is no longer available. kingwa has decided to stop production of a fine piece. It has a massive R-core transformer and a relay modular volume control so theres no damage to the signal. It has no IC,s at all it is completely discrete output. The output modules can be removed and replaced with others with different sound chracteristics. EX. Marantz M7, Accuphase, Mark Levinson ML-2, Musical Fidelity, and others. This adds depth to the sound that was a little analytical until I put this piece back in my system. This preamp is very analogue in its presentation.
    • Copeland CTA 504/with full 2010 upgrades
    This amp has highs that are some of the most dynamic Ive ever heard. Guitar,s have a definition And dynamics that are more than realistic and the sound stage is so large its almost scary.This amp also has a liquid warm midrange and a very extended lowend and is quite possible one of the best 6550/KT-88 tube amps Ive owned. Ive heard people give these amps a bad review and say they are to articulate!?! If you get the right tubes in this amp it absolutely becomes amazing. I am using 1 JJ-Tesla 12AX7-ECC-803S which is a 12AX7 on steroids in the pre-amp section. 4 Raytheon 12AU7 long ribbed black plate 1957 these are rare and I bought 8 so I would have plenty. They sell for about 75$ each. And now Im using 4 Electro-Harmonix KT-88,s for output tubes and these are strangley some of the best new production tubes out that Ive heard as far as KT,s or 6550,s. I also have 4 Tung-Sol 6550 reissues and they have a great rich midrange. Produces 50 watts per channel push pull and 26 watts in SET. I believe this amp is VERY under rated!
    • Ideal Innovations Custom-10-SE
    This is a SET amp using two 6B4G which is very similar to a 2A3 in design but I think the Svetlana brand 6B4G is one of the best sounding tubes you can find. It makes 5 watts per channel and use 2 5U4G rectifier tubes which I use either Svetlana or Sovtek,s and 2 12ax7,s for the pre section.I use the JJ,s ecc803S,s again for this amp too.
    • museatex STR-50/plus modded 2010 John Wright
    This is a mint amp! I hunted for this amp for years and found this gem that literally was purchased put back in a closet and forgotten about. I bought it and sent it to John Wright to do his updates and tune and upgrade the amp and he stated that this was the cleanest amp he had ever seen.The caps were replaced even though he said the amp had never been used enough to even discolor the heatsinks which is hard to do since this is a Class A amp so you can fry eggs on it in idle.The amp has had a Plus mod by John and all electronics were replace with new and better parts and an IEC receptacle was added. I have the original owners manual and the original warranty form still all enclosed with the original box. This is one of the best and most listenable SS amp Ive heard.
    • Gabriel Acoustics modded RL-3,s Bi-radial output / Highly Modified
    These are rewired with 12AWG wire that is hyperlitz design to all the woofers and fullrange drivers and pure solid silver 20AWG wires the super tweeter . All cardas connections and wiring post and plate with a switch to change the crossover point on the super tweeter. It has a down firing 8 inch JL audio sub woofer with a hybrid internal porting system and a upward firing 6 1/2 inch woofer or true radial which ever I choose. There is a forward firing Tang-Band fullrange 6 inch driver and a Hi-Vi-ribbon super tweeter. There are no crossovers save for one single capacitor and the silver toggle switch on the super tweeter. They have a trick of there being no bass sweet spot. no matter where you stand in the room the bass is exactly the same. This makes for a huge sound stage and sweat spot. They are nothing short of a miracle! There are many other modds but some are secret cabinet designs for increased output but hows this for you 95 DB 2.83v/1 watt @ 1 meter! The price is estamated retail price if they were sold.
    • MIT AVT-MA
    from DAC to pre
    • MIT Terminator 1 CVT
    from pre to amp
    • MIT MI-330 series 2 shotgun
    from pre to SS amp
    • MIT Terminator 1 CVT speaker cable
    Im sure you see a pattern here.
    • APC 280 Battery w/ pwr sine regenerater
    I use this to power my DAC and Pre-amp. Pluging into this modified 280 and running on a battery give a black background that is impossible from the wall. It take the DC and regenarates 120VAC at 60 hertz. I have two one for each piece.
    • Audio Magic Xtream pure Silver power cord
    I have 2 for my pre-amp and Dac. They are a redish purple color.
    • Audio Quest Reference Power cord
    This is an old AQ Power cord and I forgot the actual name but its 8AWG. Reall adds a great midrange. I swap it between all my amps.
    • Power Chord Reference
    runs my W4S DAC
    • Carver coupler
    high to low transformer
    • Carver coupler # 2
    High to low signal transformer

Comments 6

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Very nice system!
A buddy of mine just picked up a Copland 504 which he is very happy with.
It did not come with any type of manual, were you able to source out a manual anywhere for your amp?
He is not sure how old the tubes are in his, I told him he should probably re-tube it which should give him an up to date base line for performance and tube life.

Your Ideal Innovations Custom 10-SE looks very interesting and might be something that would match very nicely with my newly built "Cornscalas" speakers. I am guessing 5 wpc in SET would do a great job on these 100db plus speakers?
