
Really enjoying this simple system in the spare room.

Components Toggle details

    • Densen B410
    • Densen B110
    Intergrated Amp
    • Sonus Faber Cremona
    • REL Acoustics Stadium mkIII
    • Chord Anthem
    • Naim NACA5
    • Accuphase Apple Imac
    • Cambridge Audio Dacmagic

Comments 5

Very happy to see a set of original maple Cremonas and the manner in which you are getting great sound out of them.

I own these and also have them in a fairly large room.

I vary on my set-up but have found that whether I am using an Ayre integrated or a Bryston amp the sound is terrific. Curiously, the changes that are most impactful are with the speaker cables I use. I rotate Nordost Heimdalls with Acoustic Zen Satoris and have come to love each, but very different, sound.

Finally, I also added a sub (Snell) and used the directions given in a PS Audio newsletter to set it up. That addition stopped my quest for better sound.

Enjoy those Cremonas.


The stand is by Isoblue and originally designed for Naim gear. The Densens are almost the same dimensions and it looks great together. My next step is to upgrade the dac and amplification.

I am considering the Densen pre + power combos, a Chord Dac or even Linn amplification with their new music server systems.


Who designed the amp stands top right in your pictures?


The orginal Cremona in maple always where the most beautiful of all SF speakers.

Everything about that speaker is just pure synagy, oh and the sound marwous to , proberlyu the best dynamic speaker i have ever heard, Only probmelm is that it sounds better and better the better gear you spend with them wich makes them not optimal with entry level gear, but your densen is solid goddd engeeering so il bet thats a good combi.

One thing that i have come to learn is that the Cremona needs ALot of room behind them , and generally a BIG room will be need to really get them to shine.

But nice to see them in Maple ,mine are in grephite, yours look better ;)


Lovely! I am just not too sure about the subwoofer in the system...


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