
I originally had an all SS system comprised of Revel Gems, BAT vk-40 preamp, Rowland 201 monoblocks, and an XA9000ES sacd player. It did the "audiophile" thing very well...imaged and staged like crazy, detail was everywhere, etc. But something just wasn't right, I felt. So I decided to completely overhaul my system and went with a 300b tube-based system, and suffice it to say, I have NEVER been happier. I'm done for a looong time.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Note Meishu Phono Signature
    8w of WE 300b magic...
    • Audio Note AN-E/ kit 03
    98db/w, similar to the production AN-E/LX HE
    • Audio Note DAC 3.1x Balanced
    with Amperex Bugle Boys
    • Audio Note CDT-2 mk2
    Great Philips CD-Pro based transport
    • Audio Note An-Vx
    litz wire
    • Poth Audio Purple Power Cable
    These Purples do EVERYTHING well
    • Audio Magic Stealth
    6-outlet conditioner...they mean it when they say it's "magic"
    • Audio Magic Mini Digital
    Brings the life out of digital sources...
    • Audio Note Lexus speaker cable, biwire
    awesome speaker cables
    • McIntosh MR-80
    mint, vintage, glorious sounding

Comments 13

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Hi Nnicot!

I've just seen your and Glory's AN systems and what can one say? I'm sure this must be one of the most satisfying systems one can have...

If ever I can, I will try the AN speakers out but for a while I will have to stay with the original Snells. I have a pair of original Ks and will as soon as possible up-grade to a pair of EIIs. As you describe the AN, its as if they have what I am missing in my Ks. I'm therefore a bit curious to know if you've ever heard/compared the AN-Es with the Snell EIIs.

Will keep looking!
