Your amp should be PS Audio HCA-2, drive it with any of the Accuphase CD/SACD players out since '00. Most of the Accuphase units have a digital volume control that is dead quiet. You get rid of any pre-amp coloration added by all the additional cricuits and connection points the siganl passes thru inside a pre-amp. I will never use a pre amp again for my 2 channel room. The HCA-2/Accuphase DP-55V combo can't be beat by any signifigant margin for under 10 grand in new gear. The amazing thing is they can both be bought 'almost new' for about $3000.00!!!!. The HCA-2 is rated Stereophile class 'A' right now, other amps in that group cost $25K and there are HCA-2's on Audiogon for $1K. The HCA generates almost no heat and is the most efficient amp out right now. If you MUST have a pre-amp, the Bryston BP-20 and BP-25 are almost on par with very best in the world and they have a 20 year transferrable warranty(no questions asked, you only have to pay shipping to Bryston). The Pass pre amps, if that is what you are considering, cost quadrouple (for the dual chassis versions) the Bryston's price and they are 'supposedly' only judged to be maybe 5% better by the experts- if at all. There are usually great deals on all of those items (save for the Pass gear) right here on Audiogon.