
Nice sounding, dynamic system, overall. Pretty articulate, fast and detailed. Glass like clarity. Nice balance between the lows and the highs at all volume levels. Still some sibilance, which is recording dependent. Bass is always controlled and taut, never woolly.

Components Toggle details

    • Rotel RCD-1072
    Latest model from Rotel, in black. Using as a transport only.
    • Mitsubishi DA-F20
    Classic analog FM tuner. 20+ years old. Cool spinning tuning mechanism.
    • Krell KAV-400xi
    Krell's latest integrated. 200 watts/channel into 8 ohms, doubles into 4 ohms. Remote and in silver.
    • B&W CDM-9nt
    In cherry finish. 3 way, 4 driver ported design.
    • Van den Hul D-102 III
    Silver, OFC, carbon hybrids. Bright yellow.
    • Soundlink Red Dragon
    12 AWG OFHC wire. No name wire, but made a big difference in my system.
    • Vibrapods 4 per unit
    Under the CDP and TT.
    • Soundcare spikes Replaces the stock spikes
    Under the B&W's. Spikes with built in floor plates. Opened up the base response tremendously.
    • Grado SR125
    Headphones. Used for late night listening so I don't disturb the kids (or my wife).

Comments 10

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Looks like a nice system. I used to own the CDM-9NTs and I liked them quite a bit. My wife liked the way they looked, probably more than any other speakers I have owned. Having the analog setup is a plus as well. Enjoy!
