
I have been building on this system for three years now and will never consider myself finished. It started with a Denon 1800 receiver and a Energy Take 5 speaker system. I then upgraded to all Paradigm Monitor speaker system. They sounded really good for movies but just lacked something for music only listening. I had Magnepan MMG's in my upstairs office system and one day I switched them into this system and found the sound I was looking for. Never one to be satisfied I then slowly started to upgrade the rest of the upstream gear. All the stuff I have purchased has come from Audiogon members. The tube pre-amp was a big improvement and I have my eye on a Sonic Frontier unit as a upgrade for the future. The Magnepans do very well for home theater use and of course, excell on music. I am very pleased with this system even though the small size of the room is a barrier.

Components Toggle details

    • Meridian 508.20
    508.20 CD Player
    • Counterpoint SA-220
    Counterpoint amp with Sovek tubes
    • Magnepan MG-1.6qr
    These are used as front speakers for 2-channel and home theater
    • Magnepan CC-2 and MMG's
    The MMG's are my rear surrounds
    • Monster Power HTS-2600
    • Audio Experience Symphonies
    tube pre
    • HSU VTF-2
    Sub for both systems
    • Outlaw 770
    Amp for center and surrounds
    • Pioneer 45a
    DVD and surround player
    • Outlaw ICBM
    Bass management
    • MYE Magnepan
    Used for all speakers
    • Mapleshade cable
    Cyro treated cable
    • Paradigm Paradigm
    Atoms used for back surrounds
    • Echo Buster Bass Panels
    Various panel used on back walls and in corners
    • MMF 7
    Standard model from MMF with a ringmat anniversity edition mat and a Gram-amp 2 phono amp

Comments 4

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Yes, definitely try the bi-amping again with the extra Outlaw channels. I'm running 400 watts total into each Maggie from my Outlaw 755 (200wpc), and the "presence" and power is intoxicating, even over running only two channels from the Outlaw. It's possible that the quality of sound from the Counterpoint will win out over the Outlaw, especially if the Outlaw is only putting out 100wpc.

I have to laugh; here I go saying I'll always biamp, but just yesterday I snatched a Unison Research Unico from the classifieds on Audiogon. I'm going to set up a secondary system, and I thought it'd make a super integrated amp for it.

However, I'll definitely put it into my main system for a run. Why not? I know I won't hear the power that currently is in my setup, but I'm guessing it may be quite a bit more accurate/detailed, along with a warmer presentation due to the Unico being hybrid, having tubes. If it does sound that much better, but without the power/presence, I'll cry, since I won't be able to have the best of both worlds. Yeah, I can see 22 watts from the Cary being really anemic, but hopefully 80watts with the Unico will be tolerable. We'll see. I'll probably post results on my Audiogon Home Theater page.

Does anyone else have input on this, re: amps which drive the Maggies well, but are not high power, or are not biampable? I'd be especially interested in discussion of amps which are hybrid, since it seems larger tube amps are quite expensive.

It will be very interesting to see whether the combination of an Audio Research LS-9 preamp with Outlaw 755 amp running biwired and biamped is superior to the Unico Unison biwired. I don't like sacrificing accuracy/detail over power, so if it's cleaner and more natural with the Unico, I will probably accept the lack of slam and live with it.
I know what you mean when you say no one else nearby shares your passion; my wife is mostly indifferent to my audio insanity. But that's ok; after twelve years of seeing my quest in audio, she's now expecting me to be flipping equipment in my attempt to achieve perfect sound!

Thanks for the straight talk on the corner room tuning. I think the larger pannels would reduce reflectinons more, but maybe that's just because we're dealing with Maggies and their unique dispersion pattern. At some point, I will need to add about four more of the pannels to my HT, to tame reflections on the long walls.


Greetings from a fellow "all Magnepan" surround Audiogoner.
I'm also using 1.6's; you may want to consider biamping each 1.6 as they improve radically with it.
I'm currently biwring and biamping each 1.6, and I will not go back to single wiring/amping any time soon.

Does your tube amp run out of steam when listening to louder passages? I see you've got some Outlaw equipment. I happen to own the 950 preamp from them, and I'm using four channels of a 755 amp to power the Maggie 1.6's.

I see you have those triangular sound traps in the upper corners. Were they significantly helpful, or just so so?

What are you using for interconnects? I have just changed all wiring in my system to Harmonic Technology, both interconnects and speaker cables.

Also, I'd recommend upgraded power cords; I tried Audioquest, MIT, Kimber and Harmonic Tech, and H. Tech bested them all. The power cords are relatively cheap and do make a significant difference, especially on the preamp and cd/DAC.

If you ever upgrade on the house, go for a ranch with high enough basement! Then you can try building the HT room; I never built anything before, but was motivated by the idea of a dedicated sound room. WORTH IT ALL!

Sounds like you've got big dreams for the future of your system. Hope they come true!
