Thanks guys for the positive responses.
Hello Vince!
Regarding the Aragon, yes I like it very much. It has been with me for nearly 15 years! I have heard better (ie MF Nuvista 300) but usually much more expensive. I am considering to sell it and move on to 2 monoblocks (tube or transistors). I am not worried to much about high spls but then again one propably needs power to achieve the satisfying bass Apogees are capable of. An added benefit would be the use of shorter+higher quality speaker cables.
The room: I have been using planar speakers pretty much since I got into this hobby in 1987. I was always fortunate to allow enough space around the speakers. A lot of care has to be given to "dial in" dipoles in a room,
The TV is not plasma, just an ordinary Rear Projection unit. The Dennon is just a cdplayer, I do not have a dvdplayer yet but there is no rush. I am happy listening to music.
The turntable is used maybe 20% of the time, that is when I want maximum fidelity from my system and have time to spare.