
I listen mostly to vinyl. Have collected since 1960's with emphasis on chamber music, piano, 18th C. to early 20th cent. This system, assembled over years, has lots of timbral accuracy, great sound staging and an intimate presence: live musicians playing music in a real hall or space.

Components Toggle details

    • Air Tight ATE-2
    Phono Equalizer with a Shelter 411T step up transformer upstream for MY Sonic Lab cartridge with 0.3 mV output.
    • Air Tight ATM-1
    37 Wpc EL34 push pull amp
    • Brodmann Acoustics F1
    Viennese speaker with a refined presence, particularly for acoustic instruments, especially piano. They have been piano makers for many generations, reputed to have made an instrument for Beethoven. Of yeah, I know, he was deaf! HA, HA.
    • Naim Audio CD-3.5
    Entry level Naim CD player with additional flatcap PS.
    • Singlepower Extreme Slam
    Headphone amp
    • AKG K701
    • J.A. Michell Orbe SE
    Turntable with speed control
    • SME Series IV Tonearm
    • MY Sonic Lab Cartridge Ultra Eminent Bc
    High compliance, semi-line contact with 0.3mV output.
    • Blue Jeans Cable Speaker Cables

Comments 4

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What do you use to drive AKG K701?
