
I've returned to dynamic speakers! Via another vintage British manufacturer of course... Tannoy. 10" Monitor Reds sitting in their original (unnamed) enclosures) and now driven by a Shindo Montille. While I miss the beauty and magical sheen of the Quads, I find myself being more drawn into the music now. They call this pace, articulation and dynamics among other things... I call it rediscovering my record collection. SUPER awesome.

LignoLab / A23 plinth with the EMT 997 banana tonearm takes the system to a new level... EMT custom stereo and mono carts now in system as well.

Shindon Monbrison replaces my linestage and phonostage, and I'm not looking back. More than anything else this single component transformer my entire system.

Components Toggle details

    • Garrard 301 / LignoLab A23 Plinth
    Now in the LignoLab / Auditorium 23 plinth, with the solid copper pivoted armboard.
    • EMT 997
    The legendary banana arm, now being manufactured again by the original engineer with the original jig. Easily replaced a classic 9
    • Shindo Super SPU-A
    I have now attained cartridge perfection.
    • Auditorium 23 step-up transformer for SPU
    Perfectly matched for SPU cartridges
    • EMT OFD25i
    Another "JH special", this one mono. Fat, honest, in your face mono sound. Fantastic on Blue Notes. Again massive and needs a massive arm to control it. 5g tracking force!
    • Sentec EQ10 mono phono preamp
    Tubed mono phono preamp with dozens of selectable curves for 78s and early mono pre-RIAA records
    • Shindo Monbrison
    Forget about it - this small box of vintage parts exquisitely tuned by hand replaced 3 huge hulking pieces of tube equipment and sounds more musical to boot!
    • Shindo Montille
    Perfect little 15 watt EL-84 push-pull amp.
    • Shindo silver interconnects
    Shindo's own silver interconnects with low-mass connectors.
    • Auditorium 23 speaker cable
    I think this is only the cable they make... hand-assembled, thin conductors, cotton insulation with a homely look... but the sound is far from homely... these things just let the music FLOW through... 8 feet
    • Noblesse Guizu SRW-3A component rack
    Fantastic 3-shelf rack from China made of solid walnut and built to resonate at 3 Hz. Still not well known in the US and only spottily imported - you can see pictures of their other stuff at
    • Tannoy 10
    The amazing 10

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One area of improvement I can see would be the tonearm. The Basis Vector tonearm will give much better bass and is superior overall to your Graham 2.2. Johnny