Congatulations on your marriage - I just celebrated two years in my marriage. Nice end-run around the WAF! Mine involved a closet, some very long IC's, and a few extraordinary Honeydews (some of which were mutually enjoyed...well, er, I guess that's really not a "Honeydew" is it?!). I still take the obligitory weekly dose of dissing on my big speakers, but I've learned to grin and bear it. The operational response (repeat after me): "Yes dear..." showing the requisite amount of compassion for having displaced so much oxygen from (y)our smallish living room and blocking the view of the white wall....conviction in your delivery, and eye contact are very important......oh, and MOST important that you recognize that NOTHING should take away ANY amount of attention you might, no SHOULD be devoting to your beloved (no, not your DOG!! Man, get with it!!!). Oh well. Nicely done! I'm not a big fan of the SS, so that's the only thing I'd change, but that's just a matter of taste. I like the simplicity and excellence of how you've set it up. Don't undersell yourself there - you've got a nice little system that looks like a 'contender' to me! Bet it sounds great.