
Well, it's been a long road. I really want to thank the members of the Audiogon for the help over the past several years. Got loads of good advice here and it all paved my way to audio nirvana or at least close to it. I'm very happy with my system at this point and don't plan to be changing it for some time if at all. I'm really glad to back into vinyl again. What a revelation on this system! I looked into several other options for turntables and such but decided to go local with a solid German brand that is distributed here in Seoul, Korea. Thanks for viewing the fruits of my efforts. Expensive but most certainly worth the ride. Most enjoyable research project I've ever undertaken.

Components Toggle details

    • ASR Emitter II Exclusive
    Extraordinary 4-chassis integrated amplifier
    • ASR Basis Exclusive Phono Preamp
    Superior phono preamp that of course matches quite well with the ASR amp
    • JM Labs Alto Utopia
    The best speakers for electroacoustic music and also great with other kinds of music. Well matched with Musical Fidelity gear.
    • Esoteric K-01
    Current top of the line single chassis SACD player
    • Esoteric DV-50S
    Superb universal player. I love it with electronic music and videos.
    • Acoustic Solid Solid Machine
    All aluminum mass loaded turntable.
    • Acoustic Solid WTB 213
    Acoustic Solid's flagship tonearm
    • Samsung PAVV
    32 inch LCD HD Television
    • Purist Audio Design Aqueous Anniversary
    Two pair of interconnects with a pair of Dimarzio interconnects connecting the TV and Tuner to the amp.
    • Purist Audio Design Aqueous Anniversary
    Very underrated speaker cables.
    • Purist Audio Design Dominus
    Ferox power cable on the Nu-Vista, Fluid cables on the amp and Esoteric. PAD Aqueous Anniversary on the Tuner. One Dominus on the power conditioner.
    • Pioneer TX-9500II
    Paid $160 for the tuner and another $1000 to Randy Young for full mods. Superb tuner after modifications
    • Synergistic Research Tesla Powercell Mark II
    Superb active power conditioner with dedicated cable
    • E&T 4-shelf spider stands
    Nice all aluminum stand with good component isolation. Made in China

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Also added the Shakti Hallographs in the spring of 2012.


System edited: Some Updates: Had trouble with my previous amp so I updated to the ASR Emitter II Exclusive in January 2012. Also added the ASR Basic Exclusive Phono Preamp the same month. In December 2012, I changed from the Audio Magic PC to the Synergistic Research Tesla Powercell Mk. II. In March 2013, I added the Esoteric K-01 SACDP. Now I truly am done for now.


Sorry for the late reply Doug. Just seeing your post now. Yes, I have made that comparison. The DV-50S goes deeper in the bass and is a bit darker sounding. The Nu-Vista is sweeter and sounds better with acoustic music. I was using the DV-50s for most of my music.


The DarTZeel is a pricey piece of amplification. I hope you are able to acquire one at some point. I'm sure they'll turn up on the used market eventually. $20,000 I believe for it. Is this the one you are talking about?

I'm curious if you've ever considered modifying the Esoteric. I've been pondering whether it might be worth doing so with my system. That too is a bit of a costly undertaking.

For me, I loved the MBL amps with JM Lab speakers. Those are also way out of my league, but hopefully some day I can get close to that sound. I heard the top of the line all MBL system last weekend at an audio show, and that was just about as good as it gets for me musically. But it's a system I'll never be able to afford and probably just as well.


Hi Mike, thanks for your comments. The area is a bit narrow, but it opens up in the listening area. It's an L-shaped room actually. This situation is rather typical where I live, but in point of fact, the pics make the room look a bit more narrow than it is. I've struggled to fit the Altos into even smaller spaces, but here it works quite well. I get good bass from the system, and the bass improved substantially when I started to use the PAD power cables on my sources. Big revelation there. The power cable on the MF Tri-Vista was less significant. I enjoy listening to acoustic music on the Nu-Vista, and I like the Esoteric for experimental electronics. The Esoteric is a bit stronger on the bass.

I'm curious about the 1027s. I listened to the 927s some years ago, but didn't care for them as much as the 907 monitors. Then I heard the 937s and was quite impressed. I feel that in a room like this as well as my previous space that directional speakers are better than speakers like the Diva Utopias. So my decision came down to a new pair of 937s or a used pair of Altos for about 2 grand more. I decided without regrets on the Altos. Great pair of speakers. Thanks again Mike for your kind remarks.
