
Eventually will settle on "final" analog front end including phono stage, but the rest of the pieces are likely here to stay. It's been a loooong journey...

Components Toggle details

    • Wilson Benesch Full Circle
    My WB Full Circle with ACT 0.5 arm has a Clearaudio Maestro strapped to the business end.
    • EAR USA 834P
    EAR 834 phono - the deluxe chrome version, w/o volume. Mullard CV4004s really sing in this application.
    • AMR CD-77.1
    Tube CD player using TD1541A chip, various remote-switchable filtering and upsampling options, and USB input for external digital sources.
    • Cary Audio Design SLP-05
    Two chassis all-tube line stage using eight 6SN7s (four NOS Sylvanias and four Electro-Harmonix) and NOS Philips Holland metal base 5AR4 rectifier. Replaced the Cary SLP-98 in October, 2011 (moved to office rig).
    • Lamm Industries ML-2
    The ML2s are a dream come true, and 18 WPC is plenty to drive the Avantgarde Duo Omegas. Best amp I've ever heard.
    • Avantgarde Duo Omega
    The Avantgarde Duo Omegas use 107dB sensitive Alnico magnet horn mids & tweeters, with no crossover on the mids. The powered subs have 200 wpc internal amps driving a pair of 100 dB sensitive, 10" woofers per channel, with adjustable crossover point & volume. Now have Grand Prix Audio Apex carbon fiber footers (not pictured).
    • Crystal Cable MicroConnect
    Replaced previous Nordost stuff throughout my system.
    • Crystal Cable Micro
    Replaced Nordost in my system.
    • Grand Prix Audio Monaco Modular rack & amp stands
    These are the goods - expensive but worth it! Have two of the F1 carbon fiber shelves (under sources), and Apex feet under equipment rack and amp stands.
    • Shunyata Hydra 6
    Very happy with this - formerly used Transparent Audio conditioner.

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You've constructed a very nice system and it surely provides you with terrific musical satisfaction.
