
I had owned various Audio Research preamps w/tubes over the years, but never a tube amp or any tubed components like a CD player etc. This year (2001) I took the plunge with the VT100 Mk III, and then because of my shocked amazement I had to keep going, with the BAT pre, the ARC phono pre, and then the vintage tube tuner too! The sound I hear is so rich, full, liquid, and detailed, whether I'm listening to CD, SACD, LP, or tuner, that I am amazed and awe-struck. Is this what they mean by the "tube sound?" I used to run a Goldmund Mimesis 29 SS power amp w/these speakers and an ARC LS-15 pre, both excellent products, but the sound was NOT like this. I wonder what tube monoblocks would do for my speakers (the Genesis have their own built-in amps for the woofers so the tubes are only on the mids and tops)? I am perfectly satisfied with this sound now, however, and could live with it forever (and because of the time and expense i've invested, i pray I do!). The Ensemble interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, and power conditioning products finished off a strikingly musical-sounding system, to my ears. After they broke in (1-2 months), the Ensemble products added another several degrees/levels of depth, liquidity, and detail, to my ears. I would love to add another Isolink to the preamp, but other than that I have no urge to add or change anything! That is a milestone for me. This system and sound just suits me. I hope my hearing will always allow me to appreciate it. Comments, suggestions appreciated. Sarah

SYSTEM EDITED: I got another Ensemble Isolink for the preamp (thanks Audiogon) and I changed my ARC phono pre to the Linn Linto for the full Linn treatment of vinyl. Very very nice. I'm wondering about a new universal player like the Ayre CX-5e but otherwise everything is just perfect for me.

Components Toggle details

    • Logitech Squeezebox Touch
    An excellent music streamer especially when used with a DAC.
    • PS Audio Transport
    Used with a PS Audio triad of transport, DACII, and bridge.
    • PS Audio DACII with Bridge
    Using this with the PS Audio transport and bridge to see how it compares with the Squeezebox as a streamer and with the Marantz for CDs.
    • Marantz SA-11S2
    I still play SACDs from my modest collection and this player does a great job on them and on redbook CDs as well.
    • Meridian 204
    Shoebox sized tuner bought new years ago--still sounds great.
    • Nakamichi CR-7A
    Bought this back in the late 80's and have lots of mix tapes I made back in those days. Can't say I play them much anymore but this is my heritage and I can't just get rid of it!
    • Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-55SE monoblocks
    These replaced my trusty ARC VT100 MKIII but not sure for the better. They are very good but not as punchy as I remember the ARC.
    • Balanced Audio VK32-SE
    Beautiful looking and sounding preamp.
    • Linn LP-12 full
    w/ Ekos and Akiva cartridge, Lingo II power supply, and Linto phono preamp.
    • Linn Linto and Lingo
    dead quiet high gain phono preamp and Linn power supply
    • Genesis Technologies 500
    • Audio Art SE-5 SE
    1 ft pair for my mono blocks, heavy duty gold spades
    • Ensemble Dynaflux
    balanced interconnects
    • Ensemble Masterflux
    RCA interconnect for Meridian tuner
    • Sonoran Plateau
    RCA interconnect
    • Wireworld Silver Starlight (x3)
    HDMI between PS Audio transport and DAC, USB for laptop streaming, and coaxial between Squeezebox Touch and DAC.
    • Audience Au24
    10 ft power cords from Genesis speakers to dedicated outlets
    • Ensemble FSF Megaflux
    1 m power cords for amp, SACD, preamp
    • Sonoran Plateau
    power cord for DAC
    • Ensemble Isolink (x 2)
    power transformers for SACD player and BAT preamp. I found both units used on Audiogon, fantastic value.
    • Richard Gray 1200C
    12 outlet power conditioner
    • Audiopoints Sistrum
    5 metal shelves on audiopoints
    • Solid Steel 5-shelf rack
    Rack for my analog gear.
    • Audiopoints Sistrum platform speaker stands
    w/audiopoints top and bottom
    • Audiopoints cones/points
    under each component
    • Goldmund Cones
    set of cones between amp and stand
    • Ayre Myrtle blocks
    little wooden blocks between Lingo and Linto
    • Audionut Cable Elevators
    ceramic things to hold your cables off the floor!

Comments 34

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I plan on buying some porcelian light fixtures, and dress them up and use them as elevators. I can't stomach spending that much on something I can surely do as well and much cheaper. I doubt the reviews that claim this will change the sound, but hey, it's something to do;)

Did you find a difference in sound?


Very nice. I hope to one day own a BAT preamp. And thanks for the advice, I'll check out Ensemble.

