This system sounds amazing in this room - 20ft. ceilings with tons of space/volume. It pretty much does it all... Most importantly, it sounds real and yields goosebumps!
Most musical DAC for tube lovers and vinyl junkies in a high resolution horn system.
Shindo Monbrison
Original version!
Shindo 300B Lafon
Western Electric 300B monoblocs; 8 watt, single ended triode amplifiers
Lignolab Rack
Isolated equipment rack. Unmatched quality; heavy as lead...
Shindo Arome
CD Matching Transformer
Shindo ICs and Powercords
Shindo silver cables and Shindo upgraded power cords throughout. 2-wire power cords connected to amps and preamp. 3-wire (grounded) cords connected to Mr. T, TeddyDAC, and TTouch power supply for the SB Touch. Very important!!!
Shindo Latour/Altec Valencia horns
Altec 416-8A and 806-8A drivers with Shindo manufactured enclosures and crossovers.
No mods to the SB Touch; however it's powered by Teddy Pardo's TTouch power supply. The Ttouch is a great taste of what the TeddyDac is capable of. The TeddyDac is just more of it and better!