
Following years of trial and error and after tweaking the hell out of my system, I have finally achieved a sense of "having arrived". Listening to the system is pure joy. I feel completely suspended in emotion, space and time. Even long listening sessions will not become fatiguing. However, with this setup every detail will be heard - good and bad.

Suspended hardwood floors in my listening room represented a severe challenge that was finally overcome with the SSC platforms, the high mass rack and, with surprising efficiency, the Svelte Shelves under most components, which provided a perfect mix of coupling and isolation.

Now I am finally enjoying music as I have always wanted to. One important lesson I learned: a system is much more than the sum of its components. Carefully matching and optimizing your setup offers longer lasting rewards than spending big $ on one particular component.

Components Toggle details

    • Linn LP-12 full
    The classic that will not disappoint. Needs to be set up carefully to perform its best.
    • Linn Ekos
    Matches the Linn Sondek perfectly.
    • Linn Arkiv
    Excellent tracking and reproduction across the whole sound spectrum. Extended treble and solid bass.
    • Linn Linto
    A perfect match for the Linn Sondek. Extremely quiet, great bang for the buck. Works with MC systems only.
    • Accuphase DP-75v
    A liquid, analogue-like sounding digital front end. Very musical.
    • Accuphase T-109
    Very musical sounding tuner with good receptive qualities. Makes radio shine.
    • Accuphase C-2400
    This superb modern pre does not leave tracks. Controls volume without any mechanical contact points. Very transparent. Rather than adding its own signature, it will exactly trace the character of the recorded music.
    • Accuphase A-50v
    Class A powerhouse delivers up to 1000W into 1 Ohm loads. Beautiful high end extension, goose-bump producing mids and rock-solid bass, all bedded into slam-dunk dynamic performance. Don't be intrigued by its 50W rating. This amp produces live-like sound and dynamics! A beautiful match for speakers that really sing on high current.
    • B&W Nautilus 800
    When driven by the right electronics, this speaker system will be among the best you can own. It loves power but also does micro levels well. Very open, transparent sound reproduction. Can take ultra-high loads.
    • SSC Concept Custom speaker platforms
    Two string-suspended platforms effectively isolate the speaker from vibrations. Cleans up sound and tightens bass. Almost a must on suspended wooden floors.
    • PS Audio Ultimate Outlet
    Cleans up power and enhances dynamics.
    • Kimber Select 1030
    Holographic presentation, airy, open with grain-free high extension and structured bass. Accuracy of timbre.
    • Kimber Select 1130
    Balanced version of Select 1030. Holographic presentation, airy, open with grain-free high extension and structured bass. Accuracy of timbre.
    • Kimber KS 3038 (bi-wired)
    Top notch silver cable. Very neutral, no traceable signature. Consumer version of the Black Pearl. Brings out the best (or worst) of your associated equipment.
    • Kimber Select KS 3035 (bi-wired)
    Bi-wiring the N800s takes the imaging, clarity and decay to the next level. An absolute 'must' if you want to exploit these speakers to their max.
    • Kimber PK10 Palladian
    Grain-free power supply, excellent dynamics and tight, dynamic bass.
    • Symposium Svelte Shelves
    A huge improvement after the Sveltes took out remaining vibration and provided low mass/high rigidity coupling to my components incl. the Linn Sondek. Highly recommended if you have suspended hardwood floors or use resonant component platforms.
    • Symposium Rollerballs with Tungsten Upgrade
    Lifted the performance of the CD-player into the analogue stratosphere after I placed the Rollerballs upside down between the player and its Svelte Shelf. Great improvement in ambient information. Puts 'soul' into your CD performance.
    • Boston Audio The Mat 1
    Beats my previously used Ringmat and Extremephono Donut mats by a big margin, not to mention the original Linn felt mat. Fabulous bass, very quiet background and CD-like dynamics. Perfect match for the Linn Sondek. Well worth the investment.

Comments 23

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Very interesting - I am guessing you must know exactly what you are doing, given your comments about tweaking and the obvious room treatments and things. In general, your room and system look very nice and very meticulous.

I immediately notice, however, that your speakers do not appear to be placed on axis.

Is this because you listen from the chair on the right hand side of the room? Does that yield better results or is there some other reason you have the speakers set up to fire ever so slightly across the room?

I would love to hear your thoughts and experience on this.

Perhaps it is a distortion of the photograph, but I can immediately spot speaker placement that is off by even a few inches. In my Magneplanar based systems, this has always made a huge difference in both the imaging and the tonal response.

