
Extremely satisfying system that brings me many hours of pleasure.

Comments and/or questions welcomed...

Components Toggle details

    • Naim Audio CDX2
    A great bit of kit.
    • Naim Audio XPS2
    discrete power supply for CDX2
    • Audio-Technica USA 150MLX
    A tasty lil' mm cart...
    • Technics SL-1200 mkII
    SL-1210M5G modded with silicone damper and Mapleshades brass footers. Sitting on Timbernation 26x18x3 tigermaple plank, resting on Mapleshades Isoblocks.
    • Aesthetix Calypso
    One word, incredible.
    • DB Systems DB-8
    Esoteric pre, prolly made in the dudes basement. Whatever. I really don't have anything to comapare it to other than the stock phono section of my Carver CT-17 (sucks) and my NAD PP-2 in the garage. It is better than the PP-2.
    • DB Systems DB-2A
    Discrete power supply for the DB-8 phono pre.
    • Parasound Halo JC1
    ss brutes
    • Von Schweikert Audio VR4 Gen III HSE
    bass down to 16hz. believe it.
    • Parasound TDQ-1600
    I made some brackets and hung the fm tuner under the drawer asm. I'm not big on stacking components. Besides, it looks cool!
    • Magnum Dynalab ST-2
    I mounted one of these in the attic to pull in an awesome rock station in an outlying area where I live. It marginally improved that station, but made a greater improvement on the strong signal stations, IMO.
    • Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway Mk III-XLR
    1.5 meter balanced from preamp to amps-the improvement over SE is monumentel with the JC-1's.
    • Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway Mk III+ SE
    1.0 meter from cdp to amps
    • Nordost Blue Heaven-SE
    used on tuner, dvd and vcr
    • Harmonic Technology Pro-9 plus
    four discrete 8' lengths bi-wiring the VR-4's, rhodium over gold plated, cryo'd, demagnetized spades.
    • Harmonic Technology Fantasy AC-10
    I put this pc first on my JC1 monoblocks, then the Calypso preamp and lastly the CDX2 cdp. After adding the pc's in stages (with a good deal of time in between), I'd have to say that pc's are at least AS important as ic's. Good pc's are not cheap, but they are worth every penny in my book. And I was a pc skeptic for a very long time.
    • Furutech FP-2G
    upgraded ac outlets wired to two dedicated 20amp circuits
    • Bell'o AVSC 2000
    76w x 26h x 23d, 3/4" glass top
    • Aurios Pro-Max Isolation Bearings
    Much more user friendly than the original Pro's...
    • Aurios Pro Isolation Bearings
    Currently installed under JC1 monoblocks.
    • Hoover Precision Tungsten Carbide Balls 5/8
    All components with Aurios bearings now running 5/8 balls. This pic shows the dramatic size difference between 1/2 and 5/8. Why these things make such a huge difference is unknown to me. Worth every penny.
    • KAB silicone damper
    Cool blue and better tracking.
    • Littlelight L-18-LED
    A must have over a TT. LED version produces beautiful white light and soft red light as well.
    • Littlelight L-3/18
    Halogen version.
    • Herbie's Audio Lab Big Black Dots
    four 1" dots used between m/t and woofer modules. Huge improvement over stock rubber footers.
    • Absolute Black Granite Slabs
    25x16x3/4, soft rounded edges/corners and polished. I had these made so that I could try different isolation devices under my speakers.
    • Herbie's Hal-O Tube Dampeners
    Used on the gain and output tubes on the Calypso pre. Do they help? Not sure, made too many other changes when these were installed. But at $10 bucks a pop...
    • Shaw Area Rugs
    Two 8'x11' area rugs, one on front wall, one on back wall serving dual purpose, acoustics and aesthetics.
    • Echo Busters Absorption panel
    • Echo Busters Corner Busters
    Triangular absorption panels 15"x15"x15"
    • ASC Studio Traps
    One side absorbs treble, the other side diffuses it.
    • The Ultimate Tweak Two ...
    don't put all ur eggs in one basket...

Comments 51

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Robnichols, thank you for the compliment. Still enjoying this system "as is" with one exception. I picked up a set of SE Prosilway Mk III+ for cdp to preamp sometime ago; made a smidge of improvement. But sometimes just a dab will do ya...



Thank you kindly for the compliments. I don't consider myself O/C, but my friends inform me otherwise.

Actually, I have put together a mini home theater of sorts in my bedroom. I finally moved from CRT to a Sony 46" XBR4. Man do I love that TV. I say sort of because I'm not doing surround, but rather 2.1. Yammy receiver, PSB Alpha mini's, PSB 5i sub, and Sony DVD. I will post a third system when I get around to hanging (another) rug behind the TV. But it's a rockin' lil' system for both music and movies, and the viewing distance from the bed just happens to be the optimum distance, so the picture is amazing.

I just looked at my receipt for the sectional. I paid $3700 for it in '90. I remember it was a big decision for me at the time ($$$$), but I knew I would have it for the rest of my life. It has an "armless" chair in it allowing for different configs for different rooms. It is in the 8'x12' config as you see it, but can also be config'd as 10'x10' or 8'x10'(w/chair removed). The stiching on the rear of this unit is frigging gorgeous! But alas, the room does not support a "float" config. I will just say that being up against the rear wall provides maximum bass slam, even 2-3" makes a difference. And I am a a member of BAA, bassaholics anonymous!

The "F" the TV reference is because there used to be a CRT TV perched where the TT now resides.

Thanks again...


Shadorne, I am a bass junkie & prefer my back against the wall as this provides the most impact. I have pulled the couch out 3-4" and didn't care for it.


System edited: Added the AT150MLX which replaced the AT440MLa (which moved into garage rig),,, quite nice for an mm cart and hard-to-beat price. I have no desires to move into the mc arena as I'm just "having fun" with all my old LP's (and some new ones) and don't want to get too serious with it.


Cmk, Thank you for the thoughtful compliment.
I'm using a AT440MLa. I think it's a pretty decent little cart, but I am interested in upgrading (within the mm realm). Just not sure which way to go with it at this time. No, I really didn't consider the Isonoe footers. I wanted to lock or "sink" the deck with the bb slab. It works very well. At rock concert volume levels I get absolutely no feedback.


So sorry to hear that you HATE motorcycles; pretty strong statement, and prolly one better kept to yourself rather than tarnishing my system thread with such a negative comment. A properly tuned Harley-Davidson with the right pipes is music to these ears, but I digress. At highway speeds I use custom made molded ear plugs that corkscrew into the ear, they can not fall out or blow out. This is how I preserve my hearing. But around town, I listen to the music that these wonderful machines produce, sans earplugs. I have a TV in my bedroom on a cart that I can roll out and hook up to video/audio in about 5mins, but will eventually do a flatpanel, and prolly punch right through that rug to mount it. And of course the room acoustics are not perfect, but I have tuned the room to the best of my abilities while trying to maintain a tasteful living space.

Just one of the reasons I moved to Arizona, more house for your money (7 years ago anyway). Also trying to show that your audio space doesn't have to look like an anechoic chamber.


Garryh, thank you very much, and in looking at your system pics, it is obvious that you are a man with impeccable taste as well.

The entire system is quite astonishing, but I want to comment further on the JC-1's. I have recently discovered that these amps are much better than I originally thought. The low bias circuitry is more than broken in, but I had only been using the amps occasionally at low volume levels in high bias mode, (which is awesome) but they seem to get congested when pushed to high volume levels in high bias. Well, I've been racking up many hours in high bias mode lately, and it has become obvious to me that the class A circuitry was never really broken in. I now can crank the living hell out of this mutha, in high bias, without any congestion. I now always run them in high bias mode. Wonderful amps.

The tuner is hung from the drawer unit of the rack. I modded four brackets and painted them black. The couch color is actually a subtle cordovan.

The base color of the bike is House of Kolor Candy Brandywine. I have countless hours of labor (not to mention $$$$) into that machine, and it generates attention everywhere I go with it, from young children to elderly folk (and the ladies are quite fond of it as well)(hehe). Trust me, that compressed pic does not do it justice. H-D's make me very proud to be an American.


System edited: TV be gone! Started playing w/vinyl in the garage, tried it in the house, and liked it. So, I bought another Technics deck. Most will poo-poo the Tech deck, but I just want to have fun with vinyl, not looking to dump endless amounts of $$$$ into a TT setup. But I'll tell you, it's pretty damn good. I'll go as far to say that I didn't know vinyl could sound this good. Of course, it's all based on the recording though. I get absolutely no feedback into this tt, even at rock concert volume levels, which just amazes me. Putting the speaks on bearings was a major improvement. I highly recommend it if it is possible in your room.


when I decided to have some slabs cut to facilitate running different footers, I had also thought (as an added bonus) it would be an easy way to move the speakers around on carpet. Wrong. They don't polish the underside, duh! So, sliding them around rightside up was next to impossible. I had to invert the slabs (rough side up) so I could slide the speaks around finding the right spot then put masking tape on the carpet to mark the spot.
But your idea of felting the underside of a slab so you can slide the speaks around on hardwood floors is a great idea, imo. I was easily able to slide mine around on carpet with finished side down, so it should be just as easy on hardwood.

Check out this link I'm including to some incredible systems and rooms in Korea. This is where I got the idea to do slabs. You will see many granite slabs on hardwood on this site.


System edited: I've added granite slabs under the speakers. Since Herbies Big Black Dots worked so well between m/t and woofer mods, I had eight custom cut to 1.75" so that they would fit perfectly in the top recessed section of Aurios Pro-Max. I may try that combo some day, but it sounds so good on the dots on granite that I'm going to leave well enough alone for the time being. Just more of the same, more detail, tighter bass, very focused image. There is a considerable decrease in woofer module vibration on dots over spikes. Tweeters not too high and black dots can not be seen which gives the illusion of speakers hoovering over the granite slabs.


System edited: I added a brand new Naim XPS2 around the beginning of November and have been waiting for it to break-in before commenting. Hearing detail in my music never before realized with minor details coming out of the woodwork, cymbals much more realistic, female vocals more lush, tighter bass. And it just keeps getting better, which leads me to believe that it is not fully opened up yet. As a bonus, no additional pc was needed as the CDX2 gets all of it's power via the XPS2. But I added a tweak last week that is completely blowing my mind. Herbie's Audio Lab Big Black Dots 1". I put four between the m/t and woofer modules on my VR-4's. I had never used anything but the stock hard rubber pads. What a frigging joke! $61.20! This hobby just continues to amaze. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that these black dots are akin to a component change. Apparantly, that m/t module picks up major vibration (duh) from the woofer mod, hence, smearing the image. I'm getting a considerable amount of more headroom, which is easily tracked with the Calypso volume control. If you own these speakers, or any VSA speaker with separate modules, buy these dots. I was very skeptical when I put them in, but with a 90 day full refund, you have nothing to lose. I'm having granite slabs made for my speakers, and am going to try floating them with Aurios Pro-Max iso bearings. I hope it yields results like the black dots. If not I will either spike the speaks to slabs with Audiopoint disc's in between, or I may try larger black dots.


System edited: Recently replaced my Harmonic Tech Fantasy speaker cable's with Harmonic Tech Pro-9+. The music just flows effortlessly...


System edited: I've now upgraded all my pc's to Harmonic Technology Fantasy AC-10's on amps, pre, cdp, and in that order with a good amount of time in between each upgrade. What can I say? I was a huge pc skeptic for a very long time. My own experience in this area has taught me that pc's may be just as important as ic's. Although I can not say this unequivocally, as I just haven't cycled through all that many (different) ic's or pc's. But I can definetly say that they have had a cumulative effect on my systems performance as they were introduced one by one on each component. They have taken my system to what I considered a really good system, to a truly great system. One of the gain stage (12ax7) GE Longplate (ca. 1963) tubes in my Calypso is starting to get a little noisy. This is another area I have been somewhat skeptical on. I HAVE heard differences in various 12ax7 and 6922 tubes, but have often wondered if the more expensive tubes are worth the outlay. Especially since it seems the Calypso may burn through tubes (gain stage) more frequently than some other tubed pre's due to it's circuit design. So, I've ordered some more pricey (nothing too crazy) tubes for both the gain stage and the output (6922) stage (I have not rolled tubes in the output stage, still running stock E-H). I'm hoping to once again be enlightened with these changes. I will post my findings in a few weeks...


Drubin, thanks for the compliment.
The rugs are by Shaw rugs.


Bigsam2, that is bamboo from floor to ceiling. I then selected a color for the fabric on the cornerbusters that would blend in with the bamboo.


Raytheprinter, I first tried HT Fantasy speaker cables on the recommendation of a local dealer,, who also does business here. This was my first high-end cable purchase (although I'm sure some won't consider them high-end) if you will and I couldn't believe I was spending this much $$$ on cables (at that time). I really didn't know anything about cables at this time and was skeptical as I thought maybe it was a bunch of snake oil. But on my first phone conversation with Bob (Audionut owner), he was very forthright and honest, and didn't try to oversell me. He felt this was a proper and reasonably priced cable for me at that time. Since that first HT buy my system has changed and grown immensely. The only other cables I have tried were Transparent Musiclink Super w/MM technology. While I had no problem with the XLR ic's from pre to amps, the SE from cdp to pre were horrendous. I decided to sell the XLR's, put some $$$ back in my pocket and start trying HT ProSilway's, first from pre to amps and then from cdp to pre. I was so happy with the results that I started introducing their pc's into my system and again, have been very happy. Are there better cables out there, I'm sure there are, but I'm not willing to get on the cable merry-go-round.


System edited: Moving this system to the "done for now" catagory as it is so damn good I don't want to change a thing. About the only thing I'd be interested in trying is a Naim XPS2 to go with my CDX2, but it's not in the budget at this time. Beside's obvious things like components, cables, dedicated circuits and tweeks, there are a couple of other factors I feel are important... I am fortunate to have very solid power where I live. I don't believe my house has dropped power in over a year, I feel this is very important to a stable and consistantly good sounding system as my cdp is always on and the pre is in standby which keeps the p.s. warm. But there is one other thing I have found to consistant sound, and I can't explain it...Don't touch or move anything! I find that if I pull a major component out of my rack such as the pre, or pull my rack out and move cables around, it can take weeks for my system to "settle" back down again and sound consistant. Again, I have no clue as to why, I just know it to be true.


System edited: Moved on from an ARC LS25 MK1 to an Aesthetix Calypso. It took some time to break-in and open up, but man, was it worth the wait! Currently using GE longplate 12ax7 tubes. This system is now like a living breathing organism and is completely blowing my mind. This was a MAJOR upgrade!


I mount a carpet strip(s), to the wall with drywall anchors where the top of the rug will hang.
I have seven rugs mounted on my walls in various rooms of my house, the larger the rug, the more difficult to hang. The two 8'x11' rugs in my listening area took two people and some muscle to hang. Position the top of the rug with the tack strip and pound it onto the strip with either your hands or a rubber mallet. Once the rug is securely mounted to the tack strip, smooth, stretch and pull rug flat to wall and tack with small nails in various places.
I use paneling nails as they have a tiny little head and are "ribbed" (yes, like a condom)
so they grip the drywall better.


Tvad, thanks for the compliment.
The rugs are both aesthetically and acoustically pleasing. I actually have some additional echbusters on order and am also waiting on a Neuance platform for my cdp. I will update my system pics after I install these upgrades. I think Albert Von Schweikert is a genus and agree that with every upgrade the VR4's continue to amaze. Don't think I'll be upgrading speaks anytime soon.
Albert told me they also use area rugs on the walls in one of their listening rooms.


System edited: Please see my blurb on Mapleshades SilClear.


System edited: Added H-T Pro AC-10 pc's to my JC-1's, wow! I was very skeptical whether or not pc's make a difference, well, I am a skeptic no more. Also replaced the stock Sovtek tubes in the LS25 with Electroharmonix 6922's. I wasn't a big believer in tube rolling, but this also made a huge improvement. Between the pc's and the tubes, the bass is more taut, tight, and tuneful than ever before. Soundstaging, imaging, focus, speed, articulation and PRaT!


System edited: Moved up from a Naim CD5X to a Naim CDX2. While the cd5x was an excellent player, the cdx2 is on a 'nother level, as it should be given the price difference. I never knew how much information I was missing prior to the cdx2.


Hi Grogers717,

Yes, I am using the supplied bass module spikes. They are not fancy and obviously inexpensive.
About the only thing I like about them is they can be locked in place and because they are just threaded shafts with a point they can be recessed far enough into the bass module so that the speaker is not too high off the floor. It seems to me that most traditional aftermarket spikes with a "cone" limiting the amount you can thread into the bass mod may raise the speaker too high.
And with the wood trim "skirt" that runs around the bottom, this may not look proper.

But I can't help wonder, would a fancy/expensive aftermarket spike really improve on anything?

I did try a couple of vibrapods between modules on one speaker, didn't have enough to do both.
I didn't even listen to it. The vibrapods are too tall, blowing the transition between modules.
Hence, it doesn't look "right". This is again due to the wood trim between mods.
IMO, raising the M/T module higher than the wood trim transition between mods would look 1/2 ass'd.

But again, I can't help but wonder, is there something out there that can be improved apon over the inexpensive rubber pads between mods that won't raise the M/T mod too high?
I believe they used to use Audio Points between mods, but had a "falling out" with the manufacturer.
I'd like to think that if any of this were necessary that Albert would incorporate it into the VR-4.

If you have some suggestions, I'd love to hear them...


Daltonlanny, thanks for the kind words.

My JC-1's now have over 1600 hours on them, and I swear that everytime I fire this system up it gets better. I am still running the stock PC's on the amps and I'm not sure if I buy into the whole PC mystique. At the risk of sounding redundant, it is imperative to run these amps in balanced mode.
If not, your not utilizing their full potential.

If anyone would like to comment on PC's, please feel free...

The VR-4's also continue to get better with time like a fine wine (although, I'm a beer drinker).
Now that the dust has settled (for the time being) with component changes,
I decided to revisit speaker placement.
I spread them further apart by about 6", brought them into the room 6" and angled them downward
(using a laser level) firing at the sweet spot (I angled them down because my couch sits fairly low).
So the speaks are 11'6" apart (center to center) and I sit 13'6" from them (would prefer an equalateral triangle, but it can't be done in my room).
Man, what a difference a few inches makes (that's what she said last night)!!!

These speakers have such wide dispertion that they can be spread up to 15' apart, per VSA.
I need a bigger house!@#$%&!


System edited: Added an ARC LS25 MK1 preamp and Transparent Super MM balanced IC's between the LS25 and JC-1's... WOW! The LS25 with SE IC's is good, but running balanced out to the amps takes it to a whole 'nother level. JC-1 owners: If your not running these amps in balanced mode, your missing out!


Raytheprinter, with 1000 hours on the JC1's, it's sounding real nice, very, very smooth but with brute force bass slam. And as the amps continue to break-in, I'm confident it will only get better. I listen mostly to rock first, then blues and also some jazz/rock/fusion stuff. I only have about 100 cd's in my collection at any given time, and probably only listen to a quarter of them. So many recordings are such crap that I find them unlistenable. And I hate buying a cd, finding I only like one or two songs, or the recording sucks, then trading it in and losing money. I wish I had more exposure to a wider range of music within any given catagory, but I don't.

Drhst20, the JC1/VR4 combo is proving to be an amazing pairing, IMHO. The JC1's are not fully broken-in as of yet, so I'll digress on a full blown dissertation at this time. I used my trusty Aragon 8008bb for awhile. A great amp in it's own rite, but not in the same league as the JC1's, as it should be given the price differential. I also used a pair of Manley Neo-Classic 250 tube amps. The Manley's are amazing tube amps and paired very well with the VR4's. If my musical tastes leaned more towards jazz then rock, I would have kept them and been very content. But, I just crave that "kick you in the nuts" feeling that a good rock recording provides. So I parted ways with my beloved Manley's.

I did my homework before purchasing the JC1's, as I'm not into the hassle of buying/selling gear and losing money in the process. I try to buy as many American made products as possible, but sometimes you just gotta do whats right by the pocketbook.
