
My first foray into projection home theater. I've had a 61 inch television for a few years until I went the projector route. I figured since I have the room, I might as well max out the screen size.

The screen is 16 feet wide and 12 feet high.

Beautiful picture and total immersion into the movie. It is truly special to view a movie in this room.

The room is 22 feet wide, 70 feet long with a 22 ft high concrete ceiling.

Components Toggle details

    • Michell Engineering Gyrodec Turntable
    nice table
    • Rega RB-250 Tonearm
    nice arm
    • Audio Research PH-5 Tube Phono Pramp
    nice phono pre
    • Sumiko Sumiko Celebration Cartridge
    nice cartrtidge
    • Sharp PG-F310X Projector
    Nice projector...will play 1080p
    • Da-Lite Scenic Roller Screen Huge screen
    Screen is 16 feet wide and 12 feet tall. incredible experience that gives you total imersion into the movie.
    • DirecTV hi-Def satellite antenna
    brings hif def television onto a giant screen. Basketball players are actually seven feet tall on my screen
    • Audio Research Reference 3 Tube Preamp
    Outstanding preamp
    • Marantz 8003 Preamp Processor
    nice processor
    • Pass Labs X-600 Monobloc Amplifiers
    nice monoblocs...they power the top end ribbons and planars on my Betas
    • Carver Silver 9t Monobloc Amplifiers
    Five separate 550 wpc monoblocs powering the bass columns on the Betas, the Kappa 9's in the rear and the Kappa 7 center channel.
    • Infinity BETA 4 chassis speaker system
    this speaker system is everything you've heard about it......nuff said.
    • Sansui TU-X1 tuner
    baddest tuner on the planet
    • Velodyne DD-18 Subwoofer
    Slam bam earthshaker
    • Marantz BD 8002 Blu Ray Player
    killer blu ray player...jaw-dropping picture
    • Infinity Kappa 9 Full Range Center Speaker
    Full Range Center channel speaker laid on its side (horizontally)
    • Infinity Kappa 9 full range surround speaker
    Full range rear surround speakers

Comments 16

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Woops. Sorry, I posted on the wrong thread.


03-17-13: Mitch4t
"Hey Tim, I think you are right on the money. I believe with a decent amount of money thrown at R&D, the switching amp could be to linear amps what digital cameras did to film cameras."

Excellent analogy.

The R&D funding and progression of class D is happening right now. It started with the I.C.E. modules/amps, moved on to the Hypex modules/amps and the latest is the Abletec technology from Norway and Sweden. D-sonic is supposedly using this latest version in their top of the line monoblocs.

Major trends are probably identified more easily when looking retrospectively. It's much more difficult to distinquish between a major trend, as oppossed to a passing fad, when all of us are in the midst of the fast paced technology changes. My money is on later generations identifying class D as a major trend and paradigm shift in home audio. It's too good to be just a fad.

I recently 'put my money where my mouth is', replacing a 23 yr old Aragon 400 watt class A/B 65lb amp with a Class D Audio 440 watt SDS440CS amp that is 1/3rd the size and weight. My system, for both 2-channel and ht, has never sounded better. This amp has no problem driving my older magnepans and I've never heard them reproduce better bass. I do think, though, that pairing class D with tubes in the chain(preamp,DAC,phono stage, CDP) is important to acheiving the magic. Class D amps seem to be inherently very detailed and neutral, which is perfect for some but I prefer more warmth and dimension.

However, I just took a look at your very nice system. I would completely understand if you're not in a hurry to replace those Pass amps. Maybe you should wait until the next latest and greatest class D incarnations come out.

