
This system serves as a 2 channel system in our spare bedroom (used as a den). The room's dimensions are (15 X 10 X 8.5) ... a decent enough room size that 2 channel HT works out well.  Why Six Degrees of $1600?  As it worked out, each component in this system cost about $1600 each.

Components Toggle details

    • Technics Technics SL-1210GR turntable
    • Rogue Audio Sphinx 3 Integrated Amplifier
    • PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC
    • PS Audio SACD Transport
    • Zu Audio Omen Bookshelf

Comments 20

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I have been re-watching "Kung Fu" (the classic early-1970s show with David Carridine) after having recently acquired them on DVD . . . one of my favorites.

The episode I saw last night was based around a character that owed somebody a cat -- evidently they were very rare and desirable as pets in the American West in the 1870s . . . one line was "a good cat like that can fetch fifty, maybe a hundred dollars!". What's that in today's money?

Not that I could ever put a price on the twelve years I've spent with Warren, or even his step-sisters Ellie and Miss Kitty (we have a Brady-Bunch household with our cats . . . Warren however keeps the girls far away from the living room). But it does seem that the companionship of a cat has historically either been highly treasured (worshiped by the Egyptians) or feared (i.e. the Witches' Familiar) . . . not a whole lot of in-between.


Enjoyed reading about your simple, concise systems - and especially the pictures of Archie and Buster. Nice!
