
i love this system , but still want to learn more and upgrade. please any one, give me some advise, want else do i need , or change (some thing that good for pocket change, money does matter)also want to try some classical, orshestra music can some one show me some good CD, now i listen to new age, i could like to chat, talk more about stereo gear to anyone out there. help me out i'm new in this hoby. happy listening to all stereophile out there

Components Toggle details

    • Marantz CC-4000
    tube cd ,use 2 6992 or 6h23
    • Monarchy Audio 18b
    • Conrad Johnson premier 17ls
    tube preamp
    • Cary Audio Design CAD-805b
    50w, SET monoblocks
    • Proac Response 1.5
    pr, 6in woof, 1in twtr
    • xlo reference 2
    • xlo ultra 12
    double run 8f
    • custom audio reference gold
    4 foot
    • Chang Lightspeed CLS-6600 ISO
    20 amp, 2400 watt

Comments 14

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Happi, I believe that they use 6922 not 6992 as you have posted. 12AX7 is not a substitute. Try Amperex 6922 with gold pins or PQ. The Amperex 6DJ8 is also a direct subsititute and all of these should be relatively inexpensive.


Great rig for a beginner. I am jealous. To beg the question, in what way would you want your system to improve? That will lead to the answer. With such a nice rig two suggestions are to just buy more good software. What type of classical music do you enjoy when you hear it, opera, symphonic, chamber? Maybe pastoral, maybe knock-em-dead, perhaps cinematic? Good tuners can be had very cheaply on this site and literally for pocket change at many Goodwill stores. It will allow you to be exposed to many great types of music, classical, jazz, world, dare I say rap. And all of it is free. Few realize that a live FM broadcast is the only source we can listen to on our rigs that is not subjected to any form of strorage media. That can be strong medacine and truly high end. You might also try tube rolling with some nice NOS tubes. Wouldn't be too expensive, but the results may be quite variable. Spending time in locating your loudspeakers just so is also a free tweek that bests many equiptment upgrades. Best of luck and welcome to the game.
