
This is my current home 2-channel setup. You can see a better listing of this as well as photos on my web site:


Components Toggle details

    • Rega Jupiter 2000
    Fantastic CDP that won't break the bank.
    • Joule-Electra LA-100 mkIII
    Amazing all-tube preamp from one of the greats, Jud Barber.
    • Synthesis The Theatre
    70 Watt Class A monoblocks from Italy.
    • Wilson Benesch ACT
    This is current model ACT speaker with upgraded cherry wood finish. Absolutely fantastic speakers.
    • StraightWire Maestro II
    • PS Audio xStream Plus
    • Signal Cable MagicPower
    • Richard Gray 600S
    • Richard Gray Pole Pig
    • Rix Rax 4-shelf upright
    Cherry with a strip of purple heart.

Comments 12

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Sorry I haven't responded, I hardly ever check my Virtual System.

I have not heard the Ensemble, but can vouch for Synthesis products as being great sounding. Very musical.

I have listened to the Shine integrated unit (with remote control) and actually, that unit is what convinced me to get into real hi-fi. I heard the Shine coupled with the Audes Blues speakers and thought to myself: wow, a real hi-fi system can be put together for little money and have tubes and sound fantastic. All in a small package with a remote control.

That eventually led to my system you see above.

: )

Kind of got out of control.

I digress...

Anyway, Synthesis products are fantastic build quality and in my opinion, for comparison sakes, I like the Shine integrated better than the Manley Stingray. And I like the sound of my Theatre monoblocks better than the Manley Snapper 100 watt mono's. Even though I have 30 fewer watts per amp.

Extremely musical equipment. Like most Italian made tube amplifiers.

Hope this helps.



System edited: Just wanted to post the fact that I've upgraded my speakers from the Audes Blues to the new Wilson Benesch ACT speakers. And added some photos...



First off... thanks for the words of compliment/confidence.

Yes, it does sound pretty amazing. I love the silky smooth nature of the EL-34's with the Audes speakers. What's even greater is knowing that it sounds as good as it does and the speakers are technically "budget" speakers. I pretty much bought everything via Audiogon so I got great deals on everything.

I love my RGPC equipment. It definitely made a big difference in darkness and background noise. Cleaned things up noticeably.

The 600S can be used without the Pole Pig, no problem at all. Never tried it like that so I don't know the difference just the 600S would make vs. the 600S and Pole Pig together (I bought both units at the same time).

I can try it if you wish and let you know my thoughts.

Just drop me an email if you want.

Thanks for the reply.




If you go to Rick's site ( you will see that he has a factory sale ( This has been going on for months, but if that 4-shelf upright for $1,600 is still available... that's a steal.

I love the rack. They really are beautiful. And can be used/enjoyed for many years to come. Just like any high-quality piece of furniture.

Thanks for the reply.



Sorry... "Audionet ARC V2 cd player." should have been "Audionet ART V2 cd player." not "ARC".

: )


Thanks for the replies. I guess I wasn't expecting anyone to look at my system and/or reply.

It really is great to hear feedback.

Artg, yes, I thought about trying Elrod power cords (per Jud's suggestion) only that I have a hard time stomach'ing $700 for a used power cord. I figured that, for now, spending a couple hundred bucks to get Signal Cable power cords for all my equipment is better than using the stock/cheapo's.

And yes, they did make a difference. So for now, I'm okay with them for the price/performance ratio.

If anything, I would rather hold that extra cash in waiting for either a) better speakers or b) and Audionet ARC V2 cd player.

; )

And Jt1stcav, thanks for your words of confidence as well.

I love Audiogon... Too bad it's addicting as nicotine. Or Oreo cookies.

Thanks again guys.
