
As you can see, this is an attempt to integrate a 2-channel setup with home-cinema, but with emphasis on the 2-channel side of things. (Various other HT equipment not listed). Of course, I'm making due with the current living-room space. In the next few years we'll likely move, and perhaps then a dedicated space will become a reality.

In the next 2 decades, I'd like to see the following system changes / additions:

Room: Dedicated and treated appropriately

Source: LessLoss Laminar Streamer (audition it at least once it's finally on the market)

Interconnects: LessLoss Tunnelbridge

Amp: Simaudio i-7, or, 860A, maybe a pair of mono amps (?) Who knows what the goN will cough up.

Ambient Field Conditioners: LessLoss Blackbodies

Speakers: Focal Electra or Utopia (dream is something like Kaiser Vivache). Still have much to learn here.

Screen: Stewart, ceiling retractable

Projector: Not a clue

Video processor: Maybe Anthem something?

I really don't know what to do about the home theater side of things so as not to compromise the 2-channel setup. I don't want two pairs of speakers or speaker wires setup which means at least one amp will require something like HT pass-through. But at the same time, the ideal 2-channel setup would go straight from DAC (bypassing preamplifier) straight into amp(s).

Your comments, suggestions, advice, and experience are all welcome here.

PS: The stands were inspired by the German company Kaiser. I owe them credit for the design. I merely tried to duplicate their stand design with various customized elements for my own purposes.

Happy listening,


Components Toggle details

    • Cambridge Audio Azur 650C Transport
    I had this player's clock disabled, allowing it act as digital slave to the LessLoss DAC. It now functions merely as a transport.
    • LessLoss DAC 2004 MkII
    The component to make the greatest difference in my system. (DAC no longer in production).
    • Yamaha RX-A3010 Amplifier
    Flagship model. Dual purpose amp for hi-fi & home cinema until I can get a dedicated 2-channel amplifier.
    • Focal 816 V Loudspeakers
    • LessLoss Anchorwave Interconnects
    RCA interconnects using mono crystal pure copper strands in litz wire configuration, conductive cloth shielding, locking Furutech gold-plated connectors, and a microvibration control nanoparticle bed.
    • LessLoss Anchorwave Loudspeaker Cables
    196 mono crystal pure copper strands in a litz wire configuration; conductive cloth shielding; microvibration control nanoparticle bed.
    • D.I.Y. (Kaiser Inspired) Stands
    Credit for the general stand design goes to the German company Kaiser. I saw stands similar to these that Kaiser made, and believing in their effectiveness, attempted to duplicate them, customizing various aspects for my own purposes. The stands feature panzerholz platforms sitting directly on sand within each box and leg. The aim of this construction is to enable the best possible handling of vibration from ground to component and component to stand. Without equipment, and when filled with sand, the stands weigh over 1,100 lbs.
    • LessLoss DFPC Signature (3)
    A highly flexible, lightweight power cable that uses a more intense Skin-filtering to eliminate HF noise without impeding dynamics; a doubled live conductor for improved dynamics; and specially chosen ruby coloured Oyaide 079 power plugs.
    • LessLoss DFPC Original (2)
    A highly flexible, lightweight power cable that uses Skin-filtering to eliminate HF noise without impeding dynamics. Also has specially chosen ruby coloured Oyaide 079 power plugs.
    • LessLoss Firewall Power Conditioner
    Copious amounts of Skin-filtering; panzerholz enclosure; furutech connections with carbon fibre; sandblasted and anodized aluminum end pieces. The ultimate power conditioner.
    • Furutech e-TP60 Power Distributor
    Uses Furutech's GC-303 material to absorb internal generated EMI. Features 6 receptacles with 24k gold-plated phosphor bronze, non-magnetic conductors.

Comments 20

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I've had my best systems w/ a passive pre or the variable output from a source direct to a tube amp, so I hear you when you say you want to bypass a preamp. It makes for a very rewarding system. Plus I've enjoyed movies immensely w/ a two channel tube system as an added plus, but be prepared for the idiosyncrasies of tubes.


I"d say go with an amp first and separate your HT from 2 channel music appreciation. I've never full enjoyed music with a HT set-up. Your Focals/JM Labs can easily benefit from better amplification. My speakers have shown marked improvement when not amplified by an AVR, but used in a 2 channel audiophile system.

Interesting observation on the Yamaha AVRs. My concern is the ability to drive 4 ohm speakers, and while the Yamaha AVRs I've had don't increase the power much (100wpc vs. 120wpc) the higher powered one did have greater ease, fuller sound, and better bass.


Nicely tweaked system. Your craftsmanship of your isolation stands is excellent.
I've had 2 different '06 Yamaha AVRs and think the sound is beyond what I expected from an AVR so I am quite interested in reading your opinion on the A3010 AVR.


Nicely tweaked system. Your craftsmanship of your isolation stands is excellent.
I've had 2 different '06 Yamaha AVRs and think the sound is beyond what I
expected from an AVR so I am quite interested in reading your opinion on the
A3010 AVR.
Do you have a connection with LessLoss or do you just like their gear?
