
This is my (very satisfying) system. I believe the Polk Audio speakers are truly underrated, as I've heard speakers costing $3500 that I didn't like as much. Funny thing, growing up and while in college, I never imagined I'd end up owning a stereo system that I liked this much. I always loved music, but always listened to music on sony boomboxes...and if that's all I had, I'd still listen to a lot of music.

I bought a house so I had to change listening rooms. I'm still playing around with placement. Still thinking about upgrading the power conditioner when money allows. When I get a chance I'll add pictures.

Components Toggle details

    • Sim Audio Moon Nova LE
    Limited Edition version of the Moon Nova CD player with upgraded passive parts.
    • Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Interconnects
    Single Crystal strands, all copper using Analysis Plus patented hollow oval geometry. Great mids and highs, and INCREDIBLE bass. Big, involving soundstage too
    • Perreaux Radiance R200i Integrated Amplifier
    200WPC Integrated Amp. MOSFET based class A/AB output stage. Puts out the first 10wpc in class A and then slides into class AB. Check out the review by Wes Phillips at he's pretty much on spot.
    • Analysis Plus Silver Oval Speaker Cables
    Silver over copper strands using Analysis Plus patented hollow oval geometry. Great mids and highs, and very good bass. Big, involving soundstage too
    • Polk Audio LSi 15
    3.5 way floorstanding speakers. Great midrange, and one of the best tweeters available period. Very underrated from where I'm sitting.
    • PS Audio Ultimate Outlet - High Current
    High Current version of PS Audio's Ultimate Outlet.
    • JPS Power AC+
    Power cord for the amp. I couldn't believe the difference in sound it made in the amp. Made it sound clearer, and with better dynamics and improved bass.
    • Eichmann Cables: eXpress AC Enhancing Cable (x2)
    One on Nova LE CD Player and one on the PS Audio Ultimate Outlet and feeding the player. Power Cable with resonance control device. Also made great improvement on the sound. Everything sounded clearer, cleaner, smoother, with improved dynamics, more detailed and much quiter.
    • Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval Biwire Jumpers
    Biwire Jumpers. Made subtle differnces that further the enjoyment of music. Mostly helped with an improvment in focus over the crummy jumpers that came with the speakers and the cheap ones I had built.

Comments 6

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Hey...thanks for the info Felo...if you look at my system, you'll see that I use my integrated for 2 channel HT also. I have found that my old Bryston was better for HT and some music, but the Electrocompaniet is better for most music but lacks the dynamics for action movies and the do you think that the Perreaux sound would fit my bill in the future?


Just wondering what your impressions are of the Perreaux integrated. I'm a big fan of integrated amps and will ultimately churn through a few of them before I find the one I'm ready to settle down with for good.

