
Hello everyone, I'm a 22 year old professional in Toronto, Canada and here is my beginner Audiophile system that I have started to compile over the last few months in my tiny downtown apartment.

Not pictured is a Passion Audio Kit i11 tube amp and the turntable.

Immediate upgrades will continue with Speaker/Interconnect cables, power cable for the CD player, Stands. I need a proper Audio stand, instead of the awful cabinet everything is sitting on.

Future upgrades will happen with a new amplifier, hopefully seperates, but possibly integrated. Just have to spend some time listening to what I like!


Components Toggle details

    • Totem Acoustics Model One Signature
    An upgraded version of Totem Acoustic's legendary Model One.
    • Cambridge Audio Azur 740C
    Cd Player with Dual DAC
    • Passion Audio Kit i11
    30wpc Tube Amplifier
    • DH Labs T-14 Silver Sonic
    Speaker Cable
    • DH Labs Silver Sonic
    • Target MR24 Speaker Stands
    Speaker stands.

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Hey Taylor, concerning the speaker cable, I would HIGHLY recommend Speltz anti cable. I believe new it runs $70 for 7 feet or so. To my hear its the best I have heard under $500 retail!! I do believe they have the transparency of alot of 1000+ cable. What I mean be transparency is the fact they they will have no sound characteristics. I have resently down graded (money wise) all my cables to anti cable, and in doing so increased my clarity, focus, and bass response. Here is the web site


Taylor, I believe we talked on youtube for abit about your system. Its lookin like you have done some up grading in the past couple of months. What are the sonic differences between your tube amp and your Cambridge with your totems? Although I personally tend to slightly lean towards tube amplification, after owning the model ones I realized that they work the best with high current SS. Anyways nice system man and enjoy the listening!!

