My main demonstration system at my dealership. Depending on a customer's needs, will move different pieces in/out. Am always open to suggestions for upgrades and/or products that might have good synergy with this gear to possibly represent as a dealer.
The DA-218 uses the latest 24/768 KHz Up and Over-sampling Technology that is programmed by new sonically advanced DA-218 software.
Blue Circle Audio BC3000mkII GZpz
tubed, dual-mono preamp
Blue Circle Audio BC206
balanced hybrid stereo amp; 120wpc; 6922 tubes in the input stage.
Focus Audio FS888
New Signature Series; 4ohm, 90db
Oracle CD1000
CD Transport using Philips CDPro12.4 transport mechanism. BNC and AES/EBU digital output
Acoustic Zen Absolute
Excellent extension both high and low, incredibly balanced through the whole range.
Acoustic Zen Hologram II
Excellent speed and balance. Great clarity.
Each shelf is multi-layer constrained with an iron-powder core. All shelves are individually isolated on mini-spikes.
Eighth Never Adapt
Theory is based on eliminating "corner distortion". Has been the only off-the-shelf treatment that has made significant improvements in my room (admittedly, a very tough room acoustically)
Nice system. I have to ask you, how do you become a home based dealer. That would be a dream for me. Can one actually make enough dough to keep the boat a float? I currently have two systems in my listening room and friends kid me about it feeling like a showroom. Please feel free to email me offline if you wish. My systems are listed here on Audiogon should you have any suggestions or comments. Best, Gary
Yep, I'm a dealer (home-based), and this is my demo system. Sorry if it appears to be an advertisement (I guess it is!), but as a home-based dealer, it is also my personal rig I spend all my time listening to, and I'm always looking for ways to improve (yes, it is the disease called "audiophilia"!). I'm relatively new to Audiogon, and saw the "Virtual Systems" option on "My Page", so I went for it...if this is against the rules, my apologies...