
This reference system is used to evaluate, among other things, masters for our 3 CD labels - The Laser's Edge, Sensory, Free Electric Sound. The system is in a constant state of evolution. Our most recent change has been the addition of the Zyx Airy 3 cartridge which is breaking in quite nicely. The Accustic Arts digital front end has been a stunning revelation for us - it offers an extremely detailed but non-fatiguing sound. No edge at all but it presents precise imaging and the deepest soundstage I have heard from a digital source. Our next planned change is to replace the Classe monoblocks with a Boulder 1060 amplifer. Nothing at all wrong with the CA-M400s (they are great) but I expect great synergy with the Boulder preamp. Only a handful of people have been able to hear the Cerious Ceramic Reference speakers. These represent Bob Grost's latest state of the art design. Bob used to operate Unity Audio. The CCR takes the Unity Audio PARM 4 piece system to a completely different level. I would suggest that they can easily compete against any speaker at any price.

Components Toggle details

    • MSB UMT
    Outputs SACD stream at 24/176.4
    • Bricasti M1
    24/192 DAC
    • TW Acustic AC Anniversary
    single arm version
    • Lyra Atlas
    Replaced the Ortofon MC-A90
    • TW Acustic Raven 10.5
    Perfect match for Raven One
    • ASR Basis Exclusive
    phono preamplifier
    • Boulder 2010
    • Boulder 2060
    Finally purchased my dream amplifier.
    • Rockport Technologies Aquila
    Back in Black!
    • Transparent Audio Reference XL
    Replaced Cerious Technologies Nano Reference.
    • Transparent Audio Reference XL
    8 ft pair.
    • Synergistic Research Active SE USB
    USB cable from Mac Mini to Bricasti M1
    • Rives Audio PARC
    3 band parametric bass EQ
    • Silent Running Audio Scuttle 2

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Glad to see you picked up a R1/Phantom. I am running mine on a Sistrum stand SP-1 (rather than the stock feet) and have gotten great results.

I also was using it without clamp or mat until recently.

Can you describe the improvement over the 265/DP-6.


Nice update Ken. I too am getting a new phono stage next week (Atma-sphere MP-1 MKIII - ever heard it?)

Care to post any further thoughts on the Cerious Reference speakers?

I know at one time you thought them to be better than anything you heard at the shows. But it seems there are some stellar new speakers out there like the Evolution Acoustics. I own the small Cerious Two/Bass which are shocking realistic (compared to acoustic instruments- which I hear fairly often) and quite natural. That being said, I am thinking of going to the Polymer with the diamond midrange. I still think Cerious has the best cabinets in the business though.
