
Initially started as two channel, transformed to MCH system for some times, and now back to two channel only. I'm about 95% of where I want to be as far as the sound is concerned. The music from the system is articulate and dynamic with well fleshed out midrange and excellent harmonics and PRAT.

It has been a long journey. Here's the list of the gears that I had pleasure owning:

PASS Labs XA-30.5

First Watt F5

Rotel RMB1085

Levinson No 335

Pass Labs X3

Aragon 8002

EAD PM2000

Proceed HPA3

Theta Intrepid

Jeff Rowland Model 2

Citation 7.1

Krell KAV-300iL

Classe CAP-151

Parasound JC-2

Conrad Johnson 16LS series 2

McCormack MAP1

Sony TA-P9000ES

Proceed AVP2+6

Meridian G68XXV

Meridian G98DH

Linn Unidisk SC

Bel Canto PL-1A


Denon DVD3910

Marantz SA-15S1

CAL CL2500


Accustic Arts DAC1 mk3

Musical Fidelity A3 24 DAC

MSB Link DAC iii

B&W Nautilus 804

Revel M20

Bohlender Graebener Radia X

Infinity Interlude IL60



Added Sony SCD-XA5400ES.


Added Herbie's Iso-Cups.


Added VTL TL-5.5 preamp.


Replaced F5 with XA-30.5


Added Beogram 8000 turntable and EAR 834P phono stage.


Added Sound Smith SMMC 20CL cartridge.


Replaced VTL TL-5.5 with Parasound JC-2.


Added Ayre QB-9 USB DAC. Replaced the amps with ARC VSi60 integrated.


Added Lightspeed Attenuator passive preamp.

Components Toggle details

    • Ayre QB-9
    • Sony SCD-XA5400ES
    two channel redbook and SACD
    • Bang & Olufsen Beogram 8000
    Fully automatic linear drive and linear tracking turntable with MMC 20CL cartridge.
    • JM Labs Electra 1037BE
    • Audio Research VSi60
    tube integrated
    • Lightspeed Attenuator
    passive LDR based attenuator with no contact in signal path
    • EAR 834P
    • Sony PS1
    • Sound Smith SMMC 20CL
    moving iron cartridge with ruby cantilever and nude contact line diamond stylus
    • Sony KE-50XBR950
    50" PDP
    • Nordost Valkyrja
    0.5m RCA
    • Nordost Frey
    1m RCA
    • Tara Labs RSC Reference Gen 2
    • Kubala-Sosna Fascination
    2m long speaker cables
    • Kimber Kable 8TC
    speaker cables
    • Oyaide Tunami GPX
    power cord
    • Michael Wolff Carbon Ribbon Source
    power cord
    • Michael Wolff Carbon Ribbon Gain
    power cord
    • Audio Horizons Transparency
    power cord
    • Oyaide R1
    power receptacles on 15A dedicated circuit

Comments 75

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Hey. That looks great :). Pass and JM 1037's must be a great combo. VTL to boot as well. Like I mentioned before, those speakers must really like that room. I see you added a TT. So did I, yesterday. Keep on playing and enjoying your system.


Great update. I can assume that the First Watt is at least partially class A? I have found that JM speakers really enjoy Class A amps for some reason.


Linn has always been held high in terms of SQ. If you like Linn and are looking to "better" it AND you don't mind used, I would strongly suggest that you look into a Unidisk 1.1. It is supposed to fantastic on all formats. There are two for sale now on Agon. Linn still makes them, but to be affordable you would have to look used. I don't know if that is something you want to do.


Nice addition. Glad that it gave you what you were looking for. Those speakers sure look sweet :). You seem to have a good blend of what you are looking for but have you looked at Esoteric for a universal player? I have an older DV50s and I think it sounds very nice for both. I also think they have some players that are just for music. Just a thought. Have you heard the Ayre C5xe. That is supposed to be a great player for cd's and SACD as well. Just other options. Not that NEED them :). That is a great setup as is.


Nice look with the center right there. I know what you mean about resolution. I use a DVI cable from my Esoteric to my 34in sony XBR800 TV and to me, and others, the picture looks great. My player outputs 540p I think. I only sit about 8-10 feet away as well. Again, nice setup.


Thanks for the reply. That is a great size room for those speakers. I am sure there is no lack of bass. In my small room, the 1027's fill the room with lots of quality bass. From top to bottom it sounds great, but I do agree that in your room, it may have been a stretch for them. Your experience with the mixing of the 800 seires is interesting.
I have read other people who were thinking about doing something similar. I have never heard the Linn player but I know the linn heritage and I have no doubt that it performs great.


How big is your room. I have been told that these really need a big space to shine. I don't think my room would be big enough for them. What else did you consider before you got the 1037's? Again, great speakers with a great system.


Very nice. Those 1037's look sweet. I have 1027's and really like them very much.
