
Two-channel/Multi-channel music/Movie system.

Components Toggle details

    • Pioneer DV-563A
    Multi-player (sacd/dvd-audio/ect.
    • Kinergetics KCD-55T
    Using this transport with my Monarchy DAC for redbook playback.
    • Monarchy M24 tube DAC
    Tube DAC with tube line stage as a plus...I'm only using the DAC
    • Linn Axis
    Another gem found at Audiogon!
    • Infocus X1
    • Rogue Audio M-120 Magnum
    Duetta Signature amps.
    • Outlaw Audio 755
    5-channel amp
    • Onkyo M-504
    I have two of these for hometheater...or, whatever else I need an amp for.
    • Onkyo TX-SR805
    • Sunfire TheaterGrand II
    Does it all for now
    • Apogee Acoustics Duetta Signature
    I love these things more than any speaker I have owned.
    • Apogee Acoustics MiniGrand
    New members of the family.
    • Vmps Qso-626
    Hometheater speakers
    • Vmps Supertower/R
    Hometheater L+R mains. The bottom section of these are the large VMPS subwoofers....17HZ flat
    • Vmps ......two subs for rear LFE's
    Rear channel HT subs
    • Klipsch Forte
    Forte with upgrades.
    • Klipsch KG-4
    2 way horn
    • Acoustic Zen Hologram
    Pretty good
    • Harmonic Tech. Pro-9
    Used on the center channel speaker.
    • Harmonic Tech. Balanced Truth-link
    From Sunfire to both Krell amps.

Comments 85

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Hi Dave,
Again what a great system. I have always wanted to hear the Apogee speakers. I was out of high end audio during their reign as top dog. My friends still rave about them. It is to bad that Magnepan put them out of business and then has never used their technology to build a new speaker. It seems obvious to me that Magnepan should be building an all ribbon system . . . I owned MG IIIs for years and never had a problem, I bought a pair of 3.6rs and had nothing but problems. No matter what I did, the ribbon tweeter would blow, Magnepan couldn't even solve the problem.
Does your cat like to listen too? Mine does.
If you haven't started appylying dry wall yet, look into building a room with resilient channel. I based my system on ASC's ( Iso-Wall and the sound is incredible.
It seems that it would be icing on the cake with the construction you've done so far.
Do you really think your floor makes that much difference?
I hadn't heard about doing this when I built my room, but I guess I could remove the components and carpet and put down the a floor simalar to yours. Live and learn.


I'm sure your system sounds great with the Apogees and the KSA 250. I love that amp. A friend of mine owns one and this amp apologizes to no one! I believe it easily competes with anything on the new market right now, even Krell's new stuff. What a system!
