
Two-channel/Multi-channel music/Movie system.

Components Toggle details

    • Pioneer DV-563A
    Multi-player (sacd/dvd-audio/ect.
    • Kinergetics KCD-55T
    Using this transport with my Monarchy DAC for redbook playback.
    • Monarchy M24 tube DAC
    Tube DAC with tube line stage as a plus...I'm only using the DAC
    • Linn Axis
    Another gem found at Audiogon!
    • Infocus X1
    • Rogue Audio M-120 Magnum
    Duetta Signature amps.
    • Outlaw Audio 755
    5-channel amp
    • Onkyo M-504
    I have two of these for hometheater...or, whatever else I need an amp for.
    • Onkyo TX-SR805
    • Sunfire TheaterGrand II
    Does it all for now
    • Apogee Acoustics Duetta Signature
    I love these things more than any speaker I have owned.
    • Apogee Acoustics MiniGrand
    New members of the family.
    • Vmps Qso-626
    Hometheater speakers
    • Vmps Supertower/R
    Hometheater L+R mains. The bottom section of these are the large VMPS subwoofers....17HZ flat
    • Vmps ......two subs for rear LFE's
    Rear channel HT subs
    • Klipsch Forte
    Forte with upgrades.
    • Klipsch KG-4
    2 way horn
    • Acoustic Zen Hologram
    Pretty good
    • Harmonic Tech. Pro-9
    Used on the center channel speaker.
    • Harmonic Tech. Balanced Truth-link
    From Sunfire to both Krell amps.

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Hi Dave,

Thanks for the thread on my system. Both of us are blessed with large enough listening rooms that room reflections are minimized. The Apogee speakers are ones I would love to audition sometime.
