I guess I'm in my third year now working to put together a high end system. I am finally at a point of being extremely happy with the choices I've made and reference quality I've achieved. Changes over time have been numerous but with a lot of diligent reading of various user threads and talking with other audio friends, I believe the trek has been well worth it and definitely a fun one! I'm still tweaking a bit but think I'm at the end of the big changes for awhile. And it sure sounds good! Thanks for all the help! (updated comments 6/21/04)
Battery powered. Reference Audio Mods replaced existing internal battery system with external 12v batteries with cabinet casing
Esoteric P-03
SACD/CD with DSD signal processing
Esoteric D-03
SACD/CD with native DSD and PCM to DSD up-conversion
Esoteric G-0s master clock
With Rubidium Oscillator
Halcro SSP-100 Processor
With upgraded MPCM (LPCM) 7.1
Halcro Amplifiers MC-30
Three channel for center and rear surround speakers
Escient Fireball E-120 Digital Music Mgr.
Used in conjunction with a Sony 400 Disc CD changer plus an internal harddrive which allows 1800 hours of digital recorded music. I run this setup through the Goldmund DAC and get amazingly high end audio output!
Talon Audio Firebirds
full range with diamond tweeters
Talon Audio Hawk Center
w/Talon stand
Talon Audio Hawk Surrounds
Amazing monitors that I'm using for rear surround channels
Talon Audio Thunderbird
With external 1200 watt Crown amp
Harmonic Resolution Systems M-3 Isolation Base
I'm using these under each amp. Nothing short of amazing!
Pioneer Elite Pro FHD-1
Tara Labs Omega Gold Speaker Cable
10 ft.
Tara Labs Zero Gold
1.5m between amp and preamp (16k) 1m between DAC and preamp (14.5k)
Tara Labs Cobalt A/C cable
Used on the DAC and the conditioner
6sonsAudio Windigo
Using one on the transport and one on a power condition. Really excellent.
Nordost Thor
One on the audio and one on the video. Amps go straight to the wall.
You know--it just doesn't have that Macho look--where are the big cables, the metal stands, the isolation platforms that look like the luner lander. I'm only kidding, it's very tastefully done. I particularly like the wood matching (or close--hard to tell in a digital photo). Most of my clients want their room to sound great, but look like yours (there are of course exceptions). While I don't know the room and it may not be possible or aesthetically acceptable, the Talons are a bit close to the rear boundary and the cabinet. If possible you may try pulling them out a bit into the room. Our website www.rivesaudio.com has a tutorial on speaker placement that might be helpful. Of course if you pulled them out you might see those cables--ughh! I'm also curious how you like the ESL center with the Talons. I know the Talons are proported as being fast--but do they blend well with the ESL? I have an ML logos and love it--but it is with other ML speakers.