
Simple, cheap system that serves my needs. It sounds great to my ears, and fits well into my 13'x15' living room.

In the near future, all I can see as potential improvement would be a Speedbox to make 33/45 changes easier. Otherwise, I'm happy.

Feel free to share your comments and suggestions!

Components Toggle details

    • Slim Devices Squeezebox 3
    Bridges lossless iTunes material and internet radio to NAD via Straightwire Symphony II IC.
    • Music Hall MMF-2.2 Turntable
    Small, simple turntable that has been hassle-free, so far.
    • NAD C326BEE Integrated Amplifier
    Excellent amp with stellar value for the dough. Extremely flexible and sounds awesome. Fitted with upgraded Signal Cable Magic Power cord.
    • Von Schweikert VR-1 Monitors
    Razor-sharp. Connected to NAD via Speltz anti-cables.
    • Grado Reference Platinum MM Cartridge
    Recently added in place of stock Tracker cart. Detailed, smooth and easy on the eyes, too.
    • Pro-Ject Phono Box SE
    Versatile budget phono preamplifier. Connected to NAD via Signal Cable Analog 2 IC.
    • Tice Solo AV Power Conditioner
    Well-regarded unit serves the system's power flow.

Comments 6

Showing all comments by torontonian.

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Oh, interesting. I'll have to look into the upgrade. At that price, you really can't go wrong!


Thanks for the comments.

@Grimace, yes- the VR-1s are indeed more than capable in the lower freqs. I was so impressd with how deep and solid they can be with the right recordings.

@ Artk, the jumpers on this model are quite a bit beefier then the puny little square ones on the previous 320 and 325 NADS. Still, I might switch em out someday. I like those inexpensive little tweaks that actually make a substantial difference!


System edited: [Re-posted]
