
My goal is to have a simple all digital system sounding as analogue as I can get on a modest budget. I use the Mac Mini (with Pure Music/iTunes) & Tranquility dac for most of my listening. The ATV2 is connected to the V-DAC for streaming radio from my iPhone/iPad. Right now I'm pretty happy.

Components Toggle details

    • PS Audio Trio P-200
    Simple preamp with 3 RCA inputs, balanced and RCA outputs.
    • PS Audio Trio A-100
    ICE amp .. dual mono 100 wpc into 8 ohms and 200 wpc into 4 ohms.
    • dB Audio Labs Tranquility
    USB nos dac with a beautiful presentation.
    • Mark & Daniel Maximus Ruby
    Very revealing small monitor.
    • Apple Mac Mini (2010)
    Fantastic energy efficient, silent music server.
    • Musical Fidelity V-DAC
    Excellent inexpensive upsampling dac for use with my Apple TV2.
    • Apple TV2
    Apple's 2nd iteration.

Comments 15

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Thanks guys.

Jastorg1 .. I'm very happy with the Tranquility Dac. It has a nice organic quality to it, instruments sound real, good soundstage. All of my music is Redbook, no hi-rez and I listen to mostly jazz .. sax and piano are just gorgeous.

Nkbg .. you know I haven't tried brass cones and I've been thinking of that tweak lately, any experience with them?


Thanks. I seriously looked at the DL3 for the obvious synergy, but I like the concept of a well designed NOS dac .. the Tranquility was just what I had in mind.


Thanks guys. I'm very happy with the aesthetics as well as the sound. The system in no way overwhelms the space. The Mac Mini as a music server is everything I read about and the convenience just can't be beat.


Yes, every component is quite small compared to my previous gear. Fortunately the SOUND is not! The tv is actually a Dell 20" monitor. Most of the time it's off and I use Apple's Remote app on my iPad for Pure Music/iTunes playback.
