
I've been actively putting this together for a couple of years and less actively for 25 years. At this point I'm pretty satisfied with the system for both stereo and HT use. I have a tube sound coupled with ht bang. thanks for looking

Emprical audio has further mods for the Sony DVD/transport. Parts Connexion (Chris Johnson) does a mod for the SF Line 3. Also considering Kora Hermes II. Any comments, feedback or ideas? New TV at some point ,too.

Components Toggle details

    • Theta Carmen II
    very detailed and transparent for CD and DVD media. Progressive scan for future upgraded tv
    • Audio Logic 24MXL
    very detailed, neutral tube dac
    • VAC Renaissance II
    Most musical pre amp I've owned and also has lots of features incl HT passthrough
    • Primare SP 31.7 MK II
    Very stylish and very good sounding pre pro.
    • Kenwood KT-917
    This is a classic, too bad no good radio in Miami
    • Pass Labs X-250.5
    recently traded up from X-250, cleaner bass and great detail
    • Bel Canto M-300
    Class D amp used to power center channel
    • Bel Canto Design S-300
    Class D amp used to power surround channels
    • Meier Audio Corda Opera
    SS headphone amp that is something special, from Dr. Jan Meier in Germany
    • Samsung 4674
    46" dlp rear projection
    • Reimer Wind River GS
    These are so outstanding and full range, custom made by Rick Reimer
    • Reimer LE-5 x 2
    center channel speaker with ribbon tweeter mounted vertically
    • Reimer LE-5
    one pair used as rear surround, wall mounted
    • SVS 20-39 PC+
    used only for HT, good bang for buck and unobtrusively placed in rear corner as per reommendation of Dr. Hsu
    • Grado HHF-1
    These are Grado HF-1 headphones modified by Larry at
    • Audio Magic Transcendence Prototype
    This has the innerds of the Transcendence without the Filet Matching,used to condition the digital end incl. transport, DAC, HDTV, pre/pro and digital cable box
    • Gregg Straley IC
    Gregg manages to make some terrific IC's which I use between the DAC and preamp and between the processor and pre-amp, XLR version between pre amp and amp
    • Gregg Straley speaker cables
    wonderful speaker cables
    • Virtual Dynamics Nite 3
    aes/ebu connects theta transport to AL dac.
    • DCCA Source Cord
    Powers the Theta Transport
    • DCCA Extreme Reference
    used to power Pass Amp
    • DCCA PowerWave III
    new DCCA model used to power the Audio Magic PC
    • Black Sand Silver Ref V
    used with the DAC
    • Audio Magic Sorcerer QL
    powers the primare pre/pro
    • Harmonix X-DC
    Used to power the VAC Pre Amp
    • FIM 880
    2 high quality receptacles
    • NAD 2100
    This is used to power speakers in the kitchen and patio. It has outputs for 2 pair of speakers
    • PSB Alpha Mini
    I h ave a pair of these wall mouted in the kitchen
    • Rock Solid monitors
    I have a pair of these wall mounted on the patio, powered by the NAD
    • 3 Dedicated Lines w/ Porter Ports outlets
    used with 3 dedicated lines

Comments 13

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thanks for the concern about the shelves (But a positive comment would be nice too) . They're not really on the verge of collapsing. When my ship comes in I can re do the shelves with thicker wood or some other material, but the house came with this indented space and that's where the stereo fits.


System edited: system edited


System edited: System addition--Sonic Frontier Line 3 upgraded to SE. This upgrade had an even greater effect than I'd hoped. More detailed open and airy sound, soundstage more defined and midrange really sings!!


System edited: system edited, Kora Hermes I replaced by Audio Logic 24MXL



thanks for the feedback. I know pretty little about video, what's a front projection system and what does it consist of? I would highly recommend the HSU, they have upgraded the model,btw. I had used it for both music and HT but now only for HT, It's really hard to get a good integration between fairly full range speakers and a sub for two channel music, especially as I just use the LFE channel. So instead of listening to music I found myself fussing with the subwoofer instead. Also, my Reimers go deeper than my old Thiel 2.2's.The Hsu is fine for HT use. Also their customer support was great. When I bought it I faxed a picture of my room layout so I could be advised as to where to place the sub. Dr. Hsu called me up himself to discuss it. I thought that was pretty cool. I may upgrade to the VTF-3 as my room's pretty big and I don't want to miss any of the low end rumble.

