
Mozart sometimes listens to music for hours on end. Funny, he seems to prefer Jazz in this incarnation. Who knew?

Ah, the system. If I had paid face value for most of the components in this set up it could hardly be considered a "budget" system. Fortunately I have gotten some amazing deals both on Audiogon and other second hand venues.

Being located in a guest bedroom this system has a few challenges. Not the least of which is LP and CD storage. Still it's a great place to kick back on a few pillows in the most comfortable sweet spot in the house.

I would certainly welcome comments and recommendations as this is certainly a work in progress. Thanks's a long song.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research LS-7
    This line stage circa 1995 is a great pairing for the RM-9. Finding this used was a huge stroke of luck.
    • Music Reference RM-9
    Roger Modjeski has long been respected as a designer in the field of vacuum tube electronics. The man is known far and wide for his ultra-stable, extremely reliable (near bulletproof) and musically endearing designs. Not a bad resume. Some consider this his greatest achievement. I imagine he would argue that but it's a damn fine example nonetheless. At 100 wats per channel it drives my Sonus Fabers quite nicely thank you. I would have to say they have never sounded better in fact. This unit was modded by it's first owner sold and then un and re-modded by Rodger himself. I have heard some say it's the finest sounding example of a RM9 they have ever heard. I have a hard time disagreeing.
    • Sansui TU-919
    This gift from the audio gods is greatly appreciated. It was a stroke of luck that I found it and it's truly one of the best sounding tuners I have ever had in any system.
    • Sony CDP-XA7es
    Still a great piece after all these years...
    • Benchmark DAC1 PRE Silver
    The DAC1 PRE is a reference-quality stereo pre-amplifier, headphone amplifier, and computer audio playback device (USB DAC), incorporating the 24-bit, 192-kHz DAC1 digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) system.
    • Music Hall Maven
    A one time Stereophile budget component of the year. 100 wpc integrated w/ built-in upsampling 24bit/96k Burr-Brown Digital to Analog converter. An inexpensive integrated this one is a serious overachiever... I use this primarily to drive the Klipsch Heresys and my rear Sonus Fabers. For low level night listening I use this combination exclusively. Great little amp.
    • OPPO BDP-83SE
    Stereophile Class A rated slayer of giants this little guy sure packs an audiophile punch. Granted you can buy a better SACD player but at this price I can't imagine a better value.
    • Rega P5
    What a great table. I sold quite a bit of gear to purchase this and I've never regretted it.....Love it!
    • Rega Exact
    A good start but upgrades will follow...
    • Blue Circle BC23
    Sound "Taut, controlled, and reasonably extended lower frequencies" along with "clean, extended, and fast-sounding treble"; sweet and pleasing midrange, the region where the BC-23 "glowed to its best advantage." Features For MM or MC cartridges -- ample gain, impedance and loading options; internal circuit board is isolated via rubber/neoprene standoffs. Use DIP switches are inside unit; constantly powered when plugged in -- on/off switch is for illuminated logo only. Value Most would be "hard-pressed to identify the BC-23 in a blind test against [their] reference phono stage" whose price is "more than double that of the Blue Circle."
    • Rega TT-PSU External Power Supply
    External Power supply
    • Sonus Faber Grand Piano
    I always liked these speakers as they were one of the cornerstones of my original system back in "95. It wasn't until I switched to tubes that I realized just how good they really were. They always seemed a bit laid back with solid state gear. Now that I'm using the RM-9 the sound stage has moved to a more forward presentation with better imaging and detail. They weren't bad before but that was when I was looking at the cave wall...
    • Sonus Faber Concerto
    Run these on the B channel at times and they really round out the sound...Not by the book I know but hey they sound great....
    • Klipsch Heresy
    These were one of the speakers on my wish list and I was lucky enough to find a pair in perfect shape on Craig's List. I've integrated them into the system by routing the Maven to them and tne RM9 to the Sonus Fabers Grand Pianos. By blending the two it's brought the sonic signature of the system to one of great balance. It also allows me to customize the sound depending on recording or mood. Flexibility that I previously would have not imagined...
    • Rel T2
    200Watt subwoofer which integrates seamlessly with my Sonus Fabers.
    • Anti Cable 20'
    Bi wired runs sound great, who knew? Used primarily with the rear speakers.
    • Garth Solid Silver
    Great speaker cables. I have to thank Dave at Marihart Audio for getting me a screaming deal on these.
    • Audioquest Various
    A selection of higher end Audioquest cables...
    • Grado RS1
    Grado RS1i Reference Series Headphones
    • Grado Grado RA-1 B
    Headphone Amp
    • Sony KDL-40V2500
    Great Hi definition screen for TV & Movies but it's biggest attribute is it acts as a computer monitor. Superior monitor capabilities were the main factor in this choice...
    • Entertainment Computers LTD KPC 1
    Since I build computers as a hobby it seemed only logical I build one for my stereo storage and streaming needs. With over a terabyte of internal storage and an extra 500GB of external storage and a high end video card all fueled by 8megs of ram this computer is more than up to the task. A VERY cool wireless back lit keyboard for low light use fills out the setup...
    • Sony PS3
    Actually not really part of the Audiophile portion of the system but is a nice touch. Being able to kick back listen to Rimsky-Korsakov all while killing a swath of zombies or aliens after a hard day at work can be remarkably relaxing!
    • Creative X-Fi Elite Pro
    Professional grade from Creative the X-fi Elite Pro was the obvious choice in sound cards for my custom built computer. With 24-bit Digital-to-Analog conversion of stereo digital sources and 2 digital outputs as well as digital and analog inputs this it a serious contender for computer sound device champ. I'm sure someone will develop a better card/system for computer sound but it hasn't happened yet...

Comments 6

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I'm a fellow RM9 owner and also use an Audio Research LS15 pre. Very satisfying combo! Coincidentally, my RM9 also sits on the top of my rack, looks mighty pretty, don't she!?;) One of these days I'll get around to posting pics of the rig.

Re: the hum. I moved from a house in GA. to an apt. in FL. this past yr. In GA. my system was dead silent and yet in FL. I've got this minor hum. Event though it isn't audible at all when playing music it's like an itch I can't reach, yaknowwadI'msayin'!? Especially frustrating since I KNOW that the same exact rig was silent prior to the move. I've re-checked my connections, changed tubes, and tried switching IC's with no results. I simply had to accept the (apparent) fact that the fault lies with where I'm living and NOT my system. But man....that itch!!!!;)
