
Updated system with monitors for more flexibility to work with the room. Detailed, but not fatiguing, sound.

Components Toggle details

    • Marantz NA6006
    Streamer, main source, playing Tidal controlled via MConnect
    • Musical Fidelity M5 Si
    Integrated amp
    • Dynaudio Special 40
    Monitor speakers on matching stands
    • SKW Hi-Fi cable
    Speaker cables
    • MIT AVT 3
    interconnect, streamer to integrated
    • Furman Elite 15i
    power conditioner
    • Oppo BDP 95
    BluRay player. Secondary source
    • NAD C-426
    Tuner, secondary source
    • Signal Cable interconnect
    basic interconnect, CDP to integrated
    • Audioquest Sidewinder
    tuner to integrated
    • PS Audio Plasma XStream
    power cables
    • Terk indoor antenna
    amplified FM antenna
    • VTI rack
    audio rack

Comments 34

Bit of an overhaul here. Replaced the critical components and now it’s a very different system with very different character. I like it a lot, speakers are just breaking in.


What about using bass traps in the corners and maybe the walls.


Hi everyone, I hope your holidays are good.
I have a room question for this, and I'm pretty sure there is no solution, but here goes: Since moving the system upstairs, I am experiencing what I believe is a bit of room resonance. The bass on this system used to be really tight in the basement location (basement level, one wall brick, two walls concrete, one internal divider). Now, upstairs, it sits on the wood structure making the floor of the main level of the house. With bass-intense music, I feel the floor vibrating a lot, and the bass sounds muddled. I am worried that short of re-building the house with more solid beams I can't do anything, but figured I'd ask.
Wondering: moving the speakers farther away from the wall? More room padding? less? more heavy furniture on this level, maybe it would reduce the vibrations? I may be imagining things, but when I placed some heavy weights on top of the speakers I thought it got a bit better.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated. The room is a main area of about 24'/14', opening via 3 steps to a slightly elevated dining area of about 18'/16' (the connection between the two areas is along the long axis; the speakers are placed on one of the long sides of the main area).
Thank you


I'd like to try MIT speaker cable. I have one MIT Terminator 2 interconnect and it sounds glorious, full and detailed w/o out that hyper-detail thinness.


Hi folks, thanks for the comments.
The speaker wire is actually an old one (I think it's Audioquest), I have not taken new pictures since I updated to the MIT AVT2 - which has made a tremendous difference.
Aball, I actually like the dark tone, so I'm happy with this.
Mjcmt, I think the Quad and the Usher are a fantastic match. I do wonder at times how much better it would sound if I got a second Quad to bridge them in mono and get more power, though. Overall though for the way I listen this is plenty. Both tend toward the darker side, but that compensates nicely for the fact that my sources are digital. One thing about the Quads - for proper listening I definitely recommend taking the grills off. They close in the highs if they are on, notably so with good recordings, especially of classical music.


Looking over your system and I like what you've done, especially the Quad and Usher. How do these pieces match? Is that Linn K20 speaker wire I detect?


I used AVT2 speaker cables for years. I now use Cardas but the AVT2 were very very nice cables for the money.

Have you tried moving your speakers farther apart? I've found most of them like having room between them and being toed in a some. That should improve imaging and make them less dark sounding (if you want that).



Just adding a quick note - the MIT AVT2 cables (note they are not in the pictures yet, those are the old cables) are making a HUGE difference! For one thing, the annoying resting state buzz/hum in the speakers is pretty much gone (I have a couple other threads freaking out about that...), showing that higher quality cables can indeed take care of this type of nuisance. The bass is tighter and fuller and the imaging is better now.


System edited: updated the pictures


System edited: got a free cable upgrade, sweet :)


Highend64, I like it a lot. Very articulate for music playing, and fantastic video quality on blue ray discs. Also, the streaming functionality is a nice added bonus...


System edited: finally updated the pictures, and all the components are now up-to-date. Enjoying this as a video system as well now, with great satisfaction.


How do you like the Oppo BDP 95?


Highend, I liked the sound of the old Sony player. That is the time when they made them REALLY well. I never kept it around to compare, but it was definitely detailed and dynamic.


Very nice looking system you got there. Your setup is nice and clean. I notice you had an old Sony cd player. How was it and did sound to you? I use to have a Sony XA20ES and it sounded neutral but very detail. Its sound very different then the NAD I have ironically I like both sound. Enjoy and happy listening


Updated the digital source, and consolidated everything into one system for both video and audio.
Will update the pictures soon


Gorgeous system! Love how clean you have it. Definately need to put down an thick area rug and buy a couple of cheap wall panels. I actually saw a cheap 4 pack on the Sams Club website.

I use to own the QUAD 909. Peforms well out of it's price class. I'm using a NAD C275 now. Also excellent.

Congrats on a great setup!


I just picked up a pair of Usher CP-6311's also and Im still breaking them in but they are already waaaay ahead of my Dali Suite 1.7's...It looks like you have a nice system you put together!


Well done!!!

Keep up the good tweaks.


System edited: Got rid of the noise destroyer, was not making any difference. Changed the interconnects to unbalanced between pre-amp and amp and got rid of that buzz which seems to be common to Quad amps.


System edited: Should be almost final now. Everything is still breaking in. Love to hear the improvements every day!


Super elegant looking system Doc with nice clean lines. Bet it sounds fantastic even w/o the MH CDP. You must have been a very good boy indeed!

Looking forward to seeing how nicely you incorporate room treatments.


System edited: finally added the updated pics!


System edited: updated the system, new speakers


Thank you everyone for all the comments. I actually gave up on the headphone out idea. I have just purchased upgrades!! Santa heard I had been good, but he had to mull it over for about a month...
I went to a very nice local dealer (Finally! someone I can work with in the DC area! I'll share on request) and got quite taken with a certain combo. I will update the system and pics once I pick them up.
Yes, the suspense kills you, don' it? If you promise not to tell, I just got me a pair of Usher CP 6311. I also A-B'd (and C'd and D'd) some CD players. And this may sound crazy to many, but over a Marantz universal player, a Cayin tube CDP, and another CDP I don't recall, I preferred a Music Hall CD 25.2!! It was the one that made me not want to get up from the seat. So I bought it.
Picking up the speakers today, and player once it gets in (dealer did not have a new one in stock).
Those speakers are incredibly transparent. I put in my workhorse for demo's, Rostropovich with a small ensemble playing a Vivaldi chamber piece on Teldec, and oh, what light through yonder window breaks!
Call me excited! I'll update everything and let you know about sounds in my crappy room.


Showing 1 - 25 of 34 posts