
My room is Irregular shaped with a smaller adjoining dining area to the rear and a double stairwell to the left. The soundstage is very dark and smooth causing the instruments to be acutely distinguishable and detailed. The ELACs stand-mounts are midrange magicians so to speak but with the front of the speakers 48 inches from the rear wall, the bass is well in the background behind the main performance. The SVS subwoofer comes into play in this audio only system, flushing out the bottom musical registers, creating a well balanced sound through the full audio spectrum without bringing any attention to itself whatsoever.  Very much satisfied at this point. 

Speakers recently changed from Magnepan 1.7s, which I could no longer appreciate due to high frequency hearing loss. The sound presented by the ELACs somehow complement my new normal since suffering hearing loss.  

Room Details

Dimensions: 37’ × 11’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Pass Labs INT - 150 Integrated amp
    Integrated Amplifier
    • Bryston BDA-1 DAC
    • Wadia 171 iTransport
    iPod Dock
    • PS Audio Power Plant Premier Power/Line Cond
    Line/Power Conditioner
    • Elac Adante AS61 SM
    3-way Interport - coupled cavity
    • SVS SB 3000 Subwoofer
    Sealed Box design
    • Audioquest King Cobra
    • Analysis Plus Digital Oval Coaxial Cable
    Coaxial Interconnect
    • AudioQuest CV-8
    Speaker cable
    • PS Audio Perfectwave AC-5 Power Cord
    Power Cord
    • Cambridge Audio CXN V2 Streamer
    • AudioQuest Hawkeye Coaxial Cable

Comments 26

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This looks like a collection of some pretty nice gear. Most people like Pass with Maggies. It's likely the Wadia and Bryston aren't getting along with the Maggies. Its not always easy getting digital to get along with Maggies. That is why they will have to pull my ModWright Sony out of my cold, dead, fingers. The Harbeths are probably more forgiving.

I really think the suggestion to pull the TV out is an excellent one, just to see what happens. If that improves the sound, and the TV has to be there, then the maggies aren't going to work for you. I would expect the TV to give you problems, even if it isn't the cause of the "dry lifeless" issue. Dipoles are tricky with respect to what is behind them. It could be the TV is selectively reinforcing or causing cancelation of certain frequencies giving you a tonal balance that is not pleasing.

I love my Maggies, and wouldn't have anything else. But they can be a real pain sometimes. They want what they want.
