
I was able to put this system together despite a tight budget. I got some of the equipment second hand from my dad and uncle. (also audiophilers)

The PS audio amp, Audio Research Dac as well as the cables, were given to me. I use a computer for 90% of playback. When money allows it, I want to upgrade my speakers. But I won't be doing anything major for a long time and am content with my system now.

I also listen to headphones sometimes. I mostly listen to Radioshack brand headphones that are re-branded koss 'phones.


I have made my first big purchase and bought Monitor Audio RX6. They really reveal a whole new level of performance. Extended, detailed and space.


My Little Dot MkII which I was using as a preamp simply didn't cut it once I upgraded my speakers. The Little Dot is designed as a headphone amplifier and does a respectable job doubling as a preamp. However, I stumbled into a Threshold SL-10 preamp and have had all the caps upgraded. The Threshold is built like a tank and is very heavy. The external power supply oversized and is a great candidate to upgrade the caps.


After updating the Threshold and installing better / bigger caps, I decided to do the same for the PS Audio amp. Both have opened up the system to be more revealing.

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Components Toggle details

    • Monitor Audio Silver RX6
    Detailed, Full range and soundstage
    • Threshold SL-10
    Vintage Preamp from 1979. Has been restored and upgraded with better caps.
    • PS Audio Two-C plus
    70 watt power amp from the mid 80's. One of the first good sounding solid state amps. The key to this amp is the beefed up power supply that the plus model has. I have had the amp restored and caps upgraded.
    • Audio Research DAC-1.20
    Vintage Dac. Does not have the most recent technology and is not capable of 24 bits. But the sound is very good.
    • Musical Fidelity V-Link
    Usb to Coax converter
    • LG BD-530
    Blu-Ray player
    • Asus 14
    Core i7

Comments 42

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Your system looks great. Do you move your speakers out when you listen? I have the Monitor Audio RS-6 they like a lot of room around them, especially for proper base response.
