
Thanks for all the threads urging me to wait patiently for the Kestrels, it was worth it. The music has an overall integration, highs are smooth and extended, bass sounds solid and tight. But the mids are where the system really shines. My next upgrade is a good rack and changes to the room. Any comments or opinions are appreciated. Thanks for viewing.

Components Toggle details

    • Meadowlark Audio Kestrel II
    2 way floorstanding loudspeaker; Honduran mohagany with maple stringer
    • Eastern Electric Minimax cdp
    Vacuum Tube Compact Disc Player
    • PrimaLuna Prologue I
    35 watt el-34 push-pull integrated amplifier
    • DH Labs Air Matrix
    • DH Labs Q10
    Speaker wire. 8ft. length.
    • DH Labs Q10 Jumper Cables
    Set of Q10 jumpers constructed by Value Audio.
    • Monster Power HTS 1000 MKII Power Center
    affordable power conditioning
    • PS Audio Power Port
    One Power Port on a dedicated AC line.
    • Mapleshade Samson v.1
    2 inch maple shelves, solid steel uprights, solid brass Heavy Feet and hardware
    • Mapleshade Threaded Heavyfeet
    Replaced PL1 stocks
    • Mapleshade Ultimate Triplepoint v.3
    Replaced stocks on source

Comments 23

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I was considering selling the entire system on Audiogon. I'd like to get some feedback on how much I might be able to ask. Comments definitely appreciated!


System updated. Got a mapleshade rack and threaded heavyfeet brass footers for the PL1. Source is resting on ultimate triplepoint v.3's. Will post pics soon.


I'm glad you commented on the simplicity--it was one of my goals when I was putting the system together. The Kestrels sound great. Actually, if you look at Veroman's thread history you'll find a really accurate and concise review of the Kestrels. With what I've heard so far I agree with his observations 100%.

As for the Monster conditioner, I emailed Robert Harley who recommended Monster's HTS series and Shunyata's Guardian. I love the look of the Guardian, but I wouldn't exactly call it budget and it requires the extra purchase of a power cord, which pushes the cost up more. I definitely noticed changes, especially a lowered noise floor and a tonal smoothness that wasn't there before. Plus I feel good knowing the system will be protected from surges/spikes. For the cost, it was worth it for me. Thanks for viewing, I'll talk to you later.
ps. I checked out your system, what can you tell me about those speakers you're using?


Hey Veroman,
I hear what you're saying about the Kestrels. I have close to 300 hours and I'm beginning to get an idea of what they will sound like. The highs are starting to smooth out and the bass is becoming more prominent. I'm finding that the bass is "there" if it's in the recording--if it's not, it's not.

Regarding the power issue, I've read a lot about the Kestrels and although they are 88 or 89db they are easy to drive. They seem to work really well with the lower power push/pull designs like the Primaluna I. However, in the same breath, the Primaluna I isn't exactly known for its thunderous bass. Thanks for the feedback. Talk to you later.


Ha. The two coexist and it's a beautiful thing. I thought about the windows too. Getting rid of the tray tables and some curtains are definitely the next moves. Thanks for the advice.


System edited: Added pics of the room. Any suggestions on how its dimensions may affect acoustics/possible solutions would be greatly appreciated.


Question: Are cdp's like the minimax that utilize tubes considered digital components? I'm curious because some companies (e.g. signalcable) manufacture power cords for digital and non-digital components. Wondering if anyone had any thoughts.


Thanks for the compliment and reassurance. I'm very lucky to have this system. The truth is, it sounds far better than anything I've ever owned (i.e. mass market components). It actually takes some getting used to a more balanced sound. And the music does come through nicely. Voices sound fantastic and the timbre of instruments is accurate enough for me. Staging is good with well recorded music, however my room has significant acoustical challenges (I plan to post pics for suggestions soon). It's just nice to be focusing on my music collection again.


Thanks for the encouragement with the Kestrel break-in. If the speakers stayed like they are now--bass-shy and harsh and grainy highs--I would conclude that I've wasted my money. I'm most scared because some of my favorite, albeit more poorly recorded, 60's and 70's fare sounds like crap.

My first impressions hearing the Kestrel's at Sound by Singer in NYC (however with a better amp) was the smooth and airy highs. What was your experience with changes over the break-in period? Thanks again.


Hey Quackfat,
Thanks for the tips, especially on the power cords. I haven't had any experience with those manufacturers but will definitely look into them when I go to upgrade. As for the speaker cable, I would love to start experimenting but think I'm going to make some less expensive changes first (rack, room, vibropods) and see what it all sounds like. I'll keep your suggestions in mind down the line. Thanks again.


Thanks for the advice. It is an elevated floor above a basement. The room itself has very odd dimensions and eventually I'll post pics of it. My only concern with vibropods under the speakers is stability (I have a cat). However, I agree the wobbly tray tables have to go and love the Ikea rack idea. If you could post or email me instructions it would be greatly appreciated. By the way, what makes up the base of the stand? Are you using vibropods or spikes in between the stand and the floor? Thanks again for all the advice.


System edited: recently added a the power conditioner. Won it on Ebay auction for $49.00--Sweet deal.


So much for shelving the obsession. I've been reading on power cords, which is likely to be my next upgrade. Only concern is really cost/performance ratio. Price needs to be reasonable given what I paid for the components (i.e. I can't justify a 400 dollar power cord for a 1000 dollar amp). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
