
I have just been graduated however got recently fascinated with hifi. I have just built a 2000 euro system, could be the cheapest on Audiogon. Even so, I would like to share with people and get some opinions to improve it. The next step will be an update to a budget DAC.

Components Toggle details

    • Marantz CD-6000
    A cheap second hand CD player
    • Proac Tablette Ref 8
    very small monitor, but impressive soundstaging ability
    • Siltech MXT New York
    produces a very laid-back sound
    • HMS Cappriccio bi-wire
    German product, bought from a second hand shop
    • Copland CSA-8
    pretty love sound, bought from Ebay

Comments 6

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Junyan906, As with Photofreak there is a wealth of knowledge to be had from audio enthuisits here and many have acheived outstanding results using DIY tweaks, I myself just found it fit to use a name brand product as I'm not too handy but I am paying attention. There is multipul combinations of different ways to control vibrations and peices to do so that work extrodinaly well in combinations I think we have to read between the lines in some posts to get that. As well as Vib Control, cables (Pandora's box)make huge differences as well. I myself also use (4) 48" Room Tunes and (4) Corner Tunes in my room and have for years now and yes, I dropped my teeth with the difference it is so amazing, even as I changed to Infinty Kappa 8s then to Apoggee Slant 6s that I use now. Don't sell yourself short as you begin, just give yourself ample time when you change to evaluate the differences. :)


congrats, I also would have to be considered a "cheap" system if you will, my mentor (whom I established a repore with thru AudiogN) has helped to guide me in this direction with astounding results and not too much investment to boot! The biggest difference that has been palatable is vibration control acheived thru Bright Star Audio. I sing thier praises constantly becuse of the hugh difference they have made.Mine came thru the Air Mass/Big Rock 3 under the CD and now an Big Rock 3 under the integrated, I couldn't beleive the difference and I took time listening to each peice for a week at a time as I made changes, they were BIG.
The sound stage opened and widened, the presentation was more relaxed and deeper. I have also made additional important changes as well and my system continues to evolve getting nothing but Better. go slow but as you go you have to pay very strict attention to vibration control or you'll miss out on what the new changes are really expressing to you and may end up spending substaintually more than you'll need
