
We're currently living with the in-laws so at least I have a room but it couldn't get much worse. It's in the middle of the house, one full wall the rest are either open or riddled with entry ways. So no quiet environment or accustics what so ever. I'm using this time in exile to upgrade what I can and remember the 'good old days' of living in an apt. and having a rectangular/semi-enclosed room. Any comments/advice good or bad is welcomed. thanks

Components Toggle details

    • Von Schweikert Audio VR-3
    Great Speakers, will eventually become my surrounds once space and funds permit
    • Infinity Quadrapole
    Small surrounds to keep the wife happy
    • NAD T-761
    surround sound receiver
    • Denon 2900
    Awesome sound and video. Will exemplar mod in distant future
    • Sony XBR 32
    Great TV for its age, still beats this newer flat crap
    • PS Audio Statement 1.5m
    the main umbilical to my system
    • PS Audio Ultimate Outlet
    definatly lowered the noise floor, too many distractions in the house to tell much more
    • PS Audio Plasma 1m
    replaces the stock cord to the juice bar
    • PS Audio Juice Bar
    Spreads the wealth from the UO. After adding this I had to lower the brightness on my TV and DVD's got a bit more depth
    • Mapleshade Ultimate Triple Points
    vibration control for Universal Player
    • Transparent The Link 200
    1m and 3m for analogue out from denon and audio/video from VCR
    • Transparent Premium Digital Link
    1m for DTS and Dolby Digital
    • Transparent Premium S-Video
    Beat the Monster cable I was using hands down
    • Kimber 4pr
    decent speaker cables would like to upgrade to Analysis Plus
    • Universal Remote MX-500
    like to navigate by feel, wouldn't be able to with a pronto

Comments 22

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Thank you for the kind words. What I did for the shelves was first give em a coat of primer so the MDF wouldn't suck up all my paint. Over that I used a rattle can of "clariet wine" basically a dark brick red, 2 coats of that with light sanding between coats. Finally to finish everything off I gave each about 4 coats of hi-gloss poly with light sanding with #0000 steel wool between coats. I havent had any problems with component feet but my cones of course make points.
Very nice job on yours, I like the double wide. and the gears quite nice as well, wanna donate any to your long lost brother?.....


System edited: Added pics of Statement PC, UO, and Juice Bar. My next upgrade will be getting the hell outta AZ. Will be moving back to good ole WA in July, and hopefully to a dedicated room.


The new PS Audio Statement PC is quite nice, really opened up the sound stage and added a bit of refinement. I can't wait till its finally broke in. This week I'm getting the juice bar and super punch so I'll add pics then.


System edited: Got the triple points and made new shelves for my rack. The combination of the two really made it look a hell of a lot better, and the points helped with sonics a bit. Next stop an aftermarket powercord from PS Audio. the battle continues...


Yes there was. Zeke must have stashed it there the other day. little bugger. Well I got my Ultimate Outlet two days ago. It really lowered the noise floor and gave more definition/clarity overall, even Kristy said it sounded less "muddy". Listening has definitely become more enjoyable. I can’t wait till my length of power cord comes up for sale to help increase the benefits. But in the meantime I have a set of ultimate triple points on their way. So I'll keep ya posted.


System edited: added pics


Mdhoover, Your response didnt sound flippant at all, just that you know where I'm at. I came from great soundstaging, alright depth, and articulate/tight/deep bass to none of the above. All with the same system just different state and room. Luckily we only have 9 months left of this and I can be onto audio nirvana once again.

Thanks for the support,
