
This is just to document rebuilding the inexpensive Lenco 75 turntable.

I became interested in this due to Jeans thread at Audiogon. Worst case it goes to college with my son.

The first image is the restored Lenco with Decca, sitting on the refinished (original) plinth. The three images with blue backdrop are what was completed last night (Aug 8, '04). This is a solid sandwich of materials, topped with Western Red Oak finished with black lacquer.

The base surrounding the sandwich is solid Maple lumber finished with water based crystal clear (satin) poly.

Decca arm is fitted with Shure V15VxMR cartridge, stepped up by my EAR 834P phono.

Components Toggle details

    • Lenco 75
    30 plus year old Lenco found on EBAY.
    • Custom plinth

Comments 38

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That's a really neat idea - having a virtual system thread for a project is my kind of concept. I'm always doing some kind of project and I like to think I'm not the only one who's enthralled by what I'm doing.

Your Lenco is fantastic. My buddy Mbort has one too (Vector arm with Titan i cart on marqueterie plinth) and it's wonderful to listen to, especially when the recording is good. Just a couple nights ago we were listening to XXX and it momentarily made me wish I hadn't given up on vinyl quite so easily.
